The Megalithic Portal Ancient Sites & Stones

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The Megalithic Portal Ancient Sites & Stones

WORLDWIDE ancient site map/database/gallery✨Prehistory to 1100CE ✨Andy B posting
Twitter: @megportal
Masta: @[email protected]
Insta/Threads: megalithic_portal
Congratulations to our three competition winners PlanetArion (Old Stones book + talk ticket) JimiOgston (T Shirt + talk ticket) and WovenTreeTrailTale (talk ticket), tune in Tuesday evening, see a couple of posts back on my timeline for more details…
Don’t miss Andy B’s Old Stones talk, online this Tuesday 16th, 7pm UK time. Lively and highly illustrated. ‼️ Competition: Like, Follow and Repost this to win a ticket (3 🏆prizes to be drawn) and a copy of the 📙book or T Shirt (1 of each *) More details: 1/
It is spine tingling standing at Gors Fawr in anticipation of the sunrise. When you finally feel the warmth of the sun whilst birds are singing and cuckoo calling in the distance - life awakening on the longest day - it truly is a magical experience. 🏺#StandingStoneSunday More 1/
Nearly 50 yrs ago improvements to the A9 in #Inverness were going to roll over Raigmore Clava Cairn so a group of volunteers moved it here, next to the hospital #StandingStoneSunday More from here
Scurriestone is said to mark fords on the confluence of the rivers Dee & Muick #StandingStoneSunday More pics on here
Have a fantastic summer solstice everyone and let the only orange colour be in the sky. Let us know where you’re going and tag us in your photos. This is #summersolstice at Wet Withens, Derbyshire from 2021 #summersolstice2024 🏺/1
Some sort of Mithraean #cat god in the Musée d'Aquitaine. I can’t quite make out the caption, can anyone help? #MuseumMonday #roman #Mithras /1
Here’s a classic bit of stoney folklore in the run up to my Puddingstone Trail talk and walk at the Grime’s Graves festival on 15/16th June. This is the Beauchamp Roding Puddingstone at St Botolph's church near Harlow, Essex. #SteepleSaturday Read on: 1/ 🧵
A small fortification on the summit of Rough Tor built between and including two rock outcrops. On the west two lines of stone walls can be traced, but on the east little remains of this Neolithic - Bronze Age enclosed settlement. #HillfortsWednesday More 1/
A Roman milepost, then early Medieval crosshead, and quite probably a reused standing stone originally. On Mawgan in Meneage village green, Lizard. #StandingStoneSunday More 1/
The atmospheric location of Castlerigg, looking SSE down over Dale Bottom. Low and High Rigg middle foreground on the left and beyond is the Helvellyn massif. The dark green rounded lump at the end of the valley is great Howe at Legburthwaite. #StandingStoneSunday More 1/
This enigmatic carving gives a sea cave near Clevedon in Somerset its name:- Babyface Cave. Claimed as a ‘Celtic’ head, tales of pirates, ghostly screams and cave exploration abound. #FolkloreThursday More 1/ 🧵
Embury Beacon promontory fort in North Devon with double defences, the inner reduced by cliff falls. You can see the proximity of the cliff in this photo. The site was excavated due to rapid coastal erosion. #HillfortsWednesday More 1/
No roads lead to the remote Dun Geilbt at the southern end of #IsleOfSkye so we kayaked out to see it ... #HillFortsWednesday ... a dramatic location. More info on here
3rd Stone issue 27 newly scanned by ourselves for your reading pleasure. #FolkloreThursday • Dowsing Gogmagog • Bathampton Down, Somerset: A Reassessment of a Neglected Megalithic Landscape • Excavation of the Facade Area of La Hougue Bie More /1
There is no other megalith in Somerset or the Bristol region with such a wealth of folklore as "Old Wimble". Local traditions state there is a treasure hidden beneath the stone and that it ‘walks’ when it hears the clock strike twelve. 🏺#StandingStoneSunday More 1/
Ever wondered how you date a standing stone? This one fell down. Excavation of the stone hole yielded organic material that was dated to 1090BCE +/-100years #StandingStoneSunday (and then it was re-erected. ) 🏺 More /1
Kerbstones from the ring cairn of Bruiach, west of Inverness. #ThickTrunkTuesday 🏺 Photo by the late Bruce Adams. More 1/
So many wonderful photos in this latest album by the late Bruce Adams. Most have labels, this one doesn’t - do you recognise this stone circle near Aberdeen? #StandingStoneSunday More 1/
A lovely sketch by the late Bruce Adams to introduce this photo and art album he made. Stone Circles and Clava cairns around Inverness, all scanned ready for you to browse. #StandingStoneSunday More 1/
3rd Stone Issue 26, newly scanned for your reading pleasure. In this issue: • Langdean Bottom stone circle • Cavaliers and Phantoms - Jeremy Harte • Fairy sites in the Bristol Region - Phil Quinn • The Magical World of Doctor Dee 🏺 More 1/
This stone in north Kent has a visible footprint, said to be by the Devil, annoyed at the sound of bells from the nearby church. I found another stone nearby with a curious offering. 🏺#StandingStoneSunday Read on. 1/
Five Neolithic domus de janas (rock-cut tombs) located on a hill in a beautiful forest area in Sardinia. Would you like a look inside one? #TombTuesday 🏺 More 1/
Today’s stone is six feet tall, worn smooth and black by sheltering sheep. (see next) Lovely views east towards Birds rock (Craig yr Aderyn) and off towards Cader Idris. (mirroring the landscape?) 🏺#StandingStoneSunday Near Llanegryn in Gwynedd. More 1/
From today’s email. I’m sure Berrybrae stone circle would love to visit this holistic retreat, and the other attendees would appreciate it. The logistics might be a bit difficult though…😁
A large Neolithic domus de janas (rock-cut tomb) located on the SE slope of Monte Ziprianu (sometimes spelled Zipirianu), west of Tissi in Sardinia / Sardegna. Partly collapsed and in thick vegetation, but part of its interior has survived.🏺#TombTuesday More 1/
In the SE of Seoul city, a "gobun-gun" (tumulus group) is preserved as a park. There were once around 66 chambered cairns, but now just 8 remain. More /1
This boulder has a series of long V-grooves where Native Americans sharpened their stone axes and bone fish hooks. There’s evidence of their presence for thousands of years so who knows how long this stone was in use for. More 1/
An ancient relief of a human figure (a Slavonic deity?) set into the wall at the entrance of the Marienkirche (St Mary's Church) Bergen, 🏺#FolkloreThursday More 1/
Something about this path is beckoning me in. Part of the Slavic hillfort on the summit of the Rugard - the highest point on the island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.🏺#HillfortsWednesday More /1