
Word has Ron DeSantis has two black eyes, and a sore butthole.
I’d be very curious what DeSantis thought he could gain even if he won, which was never going to happen
Just watched it. Gov. Newsom certainly knows how to clean a floor. That was hilarious, and peak embarrassing for that snivelling Florida snot wipe Governor. But the audience cringe factor had to be the DeSantis fake smile all evening. No seriously, look at the tape…What the hell was he doing? 😳🥴
I knew I'd find you guys on here, I was seriously depressed with the ClimateCrises no one doing anything, I think everyone was holding their breath which way trump would go, back fossil fuels or clean energy. No one realised he was holding out for the biggest bribe, I hit rock bottom then
Newsom 2028. The guy is a superhero. It is rare to see this combination of ethics, intellect and courage.