
Congratulations Doug Ford on the first strike in LCBO history. But we all know this is about union busting and giving your rich buddies more money by privatizing the LCBO. Weston needs a second castle baby!!! Also the amount of ding dongs who don’t understand the revenue LCBO brings in ugh 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
A government monopoly would be stupid if you suggested it as a new thing. But what we have now generates revenue, operates responsibly, keeps prices down (and uniform!), offers great selection and okay jobs. All these benefits are lost by going to privatized alcohol sales.
The jobs could be better, it's a management choice to make them mostly crappy and part-time.
I agree completely. Thanks so much for articulating it way better than me Andy I truly appreciate it. ❤️
It's such a frustrating time to live in Ontario, it's costing billions for this guy to destroy good things that can never be rebuilt.
What’s even more frustrating is the people cheering him on because they don’t understand what he’s doing. My sister says she loves Daddy Dougie then bitches about all the things he’s doing and blames Trudeau. When I tell her it’s Doug she laughs and calls me a liberal hack. It’s unreal. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
LOL it must be a little insulting to be called a liberal, but not in the way she intends.
Yup, 2+ billion $ of revenue flushed.
I'm still pissed about plate renewals.
My favourite factoid to tell people about Galen Weston is to remind them of the bread price fixing scandal, and then tell them what that monster bastard named his fucking yacht.
Oh my god. This is some serious shade he shouldn’t be throwing. 🤬