
What is the time and temperature profile? What is the setting on the mixer for the stir bar? Should I be growing my own leaves? Should I be going for the powder what is green tea anyway
I’m on a green tea only caffeination cycle and surely some of you have this as your special interest. I’m quite confident ‘bag of bigelow green tea in a half liter bottle’ is not the state of the art. What should I be doing? How should I be sourcing and steeping these green green leaves?
i actually rly like matcha if you do want to fuck with it. if you use a milk frother to whisk it you don’t have to deal with the tedious ritual of manually whisking it unless you find it meditative and grounding
I see serving sizes on the order of half a cup, what if I need to go for volume (to maintain a sipping habit) does it dilute well or is that kinda not the point of the thing
it’s sort of like the espresso of tea. for matcha a lot of people will mix it with a milk type thing, i find it goes rly well with oat milk. i havent tried a matcha americano with just water so i cant speak to that
Whaaat this stuff is $25 an ounce my god
lol yeah... if you buy larger amounts you can get away with cheaper/g. and you use like 1tsp for a serving so it does last a while. when i was on a daily matcha thing i made it work out to not too much more $ than drinking good coffee but. yeah
Costco carries it for about $1.40/oz, and it’s sometimes available at Grocery Outlet if you’re patient.
tbc it depends a ton on the quality/grade of the matcha. culinary grade is very cheap but pretty bitter for drinking, it's meant for baking and stuff like that
How is the tea tho do you like it? This is a viable option