
I have noticed a remarkable correlation between “veterans who were file clerks” and “being loud mouthed violent MAGAs.” I’ve also known a bunch of people with extremely serious combat experience who are committed progressives and leftists.
They also generally assume that combat vets will side with them too. Fun fact: Every single vet I know who's a fascist was a fucking file clerk or something who might've touched a weapon once a year and has no idea how to use it in real world conditions
My idiot brother whose service consisted of "trying to blow up a Walmart near Ft Hood with a howitzer" is super gung ho military rah rah maga. My friend's kid who is an Army Ranger is super lefty.
I’ve met a left wing former Seal Team guy
In 2016, some of us went out for drinks about two days after the election with a tough guy Office of Naval Research Science Advisor / veteran. We were absolutely dreading him gloating, and instead he put his head down and says "I can't believe what is happening in this country". We were blown away.
I have had a LOT of experiences like this