
"These are awful people who like imposing cruelty on out groups and blaming them for all their problems. You can process that into a political 'position,' but really these are just shitty people, even if you can't say that out loud." --
David Roberts on why this campaign is driving him "We’re in a situation where we have this lying, abusive, obviously nutbag figure, and we can’t acknowledge to ourselves what’s happening."
They aren't planning to win via election. Isn't that obvious?
No sir. You have made the scales fall from my eyes, and I wish to ask you for your full list of stances, perspectives, and world-weary remarks to make to my new lessers. Failing that, reveal the immortality secrets!!!
Absolutely not! You are the first person to express non-surprise at these events, and I hope to be the second
I can't ever tell. Truly. I figured it's simple math. Jan 6 was their best chance, but violent movements don't just go away. Seems like they'd try again. Why worry about winning the election when you already have shown you don't care about the results. History rhymes and all that.
Isn’t it just histrionics? Was there any actual threat to the republic on Jan 6th?
Yes, a large mob of people were attempting to storm Congress. They had built a gallows and obtained zip ties among other paraphernalia. Now that said, they were Republicans, which means they were intrinsically entitled to kill any of us for any cause - or none.
I saw those pictures, and it didn’t look like a gallows to me. It was something big, though Have I missed something, some new pictures or something?
You mean this thing? If you mean it looks like shit, I'd agree, but it also seems to clearly get the message across. I'm unsure what other message one should take from hastily constructed on-sight gallows.
It can be viewed as alarming, but also could it be some sort of mad symbolism/protest to try to amplify how they felt. They were riled up by trump and other RWNJs to the point of storming a govt bldg - were they really going to try and hang someone?
I am painfully aware of these people's feelings. Indeed, thanks to thorough coverage and regular reminders to place their feelings at the center of the universe, I know their feelings better than I know my own. I think they would have tried to hang someone, if they could have gotten hold of one.
Yes, they’re not backward at coming forward. they’re so angry all the time. Who pissed on their chips?
This sort of thing is not for us to question. As our superiors, they are entitled to total mastery of all heaven and earth, and we are fortunate to have such virtuous, real Americans among us. I think that's how it goes. Not sure. Maybe the NYT can send some more folks to a diner.
Who are you referring to as superiors? (Sorry, I’m a foreigner so I don’t always get nuances etc)
Why, the Republican party base, of course. The jet-ski dealership owners, the beverage distributors, etc. They are the most important (indeed, only True) Americans, and of course, they're certainly more important than anyone not in America. All we can do is study from their example.
(In case it isn't clear, I'm actually insulting these people by comically over-exaggerating their own constant whining and pleading for special treatment)
When did they lose their senses? They’re making absolute jackasses of themselves by tying themselves to the trump disaster story.
1.5-2 generations of propaganda is a hell of a drug
So it all comes back to the malignant influence of Murdoch