
Not trying to be antagonistic - it's still early in the AM - but I wonder how many of the people on socials 'talking' about Project 2025 have read through the full document. It's very very long. What is Project 2025 actually shorthand for at this moment?
i think the john oliver segment two (?) weeks ago really did a good job of highlighting some of the worst parts of it
I think even the Oliver piece doesn’t quite put 2 and 2 together to spell out the threat. Saying “they’ll replace everyone in government with loyalists” doesn’t sound good, but it needs to be paired with the fact many of Trump’s former staff openly say he regularly demanded to have people killed.
There’s always this cycle of “it’s okay that he’s unhinged because his people won’t let him do the worst stuff and he’s probably kidding anyway” even though his own people make clear he’s very much not kidding. If P2025 boils down to “let Trump be Trump” it’s worse than people are willing to imagine