Michael Geist

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Michael Geist


Law Professor, Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law, University of Ottawa
Law Bytes Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5iDUCcDrkzGai0OdTgoucv
Most important piece on antisemitism you can read right now: much needed call from Paul Deegan and Kevin Lynch for Canada's corporate community to join the fight against antisemitism to ensure the Jewish community feels not just believed, but supported. www.policymagazine.ca/its-time-for...
It's Time for Corporate Canada to Take Action on Antisemitism - Policy Magazinewww.policymagazine.ca In a recent op ed in The Globe and Mail, University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist wrote about “the disbelief among far too many in Canada that rising
The Canadian government’s efforts to regulate big tech sometimes feels like a series of high-stakes poker matches in which the government foolishly bets that readily apparent risks can be ignored. My Globe op-ed piece on the latest gamble: digital services tax www.theglobeandmail.com/gift/bc5ccfd...
There’s a global plan to tax Big Tech. Why did Canada act alone with digital services tax?www.theglobeandmail.com A new Digital Services Tax targeting Big Tech is a high risk move by the Canadian government, which had abandoned an international plan
The Jewish community has for months called on our political, academic and community leaders to take a stand against antisemitism. It is now apparent that these actions alone are not enough. We must also ask Canadians to simply believe us. www.theglobeandmail.com/gift/bc5ccfd...
The Jewish community’s concerns are often met with disbeliefwww.theglobeandmail.com Despite statistics showing a rise in hate crimes against Jewish people, many question the data
Grateful to The Hub for posting my piece on the escalation of antisemitism in Canada over past 9 months becoming normalized as the shock value from even synagogue attacks wane and silence from the broader community becomes impossible to explain away. thehub.ca/2024/07/05/m...
Michael Geist: When antisemitism strikes too close to homethehub.ca
This was my synagogue growing up in Toronto and my parents have been members for decades. This is the reality of being Jewish in Canada in 2024 as too many remain silent or seek to downplay, deny or justify the terrifying rise of antisemitism. x.com/neveragainli...
Ex-Justice Min Lametti on Dattani: “Any time you mislead or conceal your past in order to advance your career, that’s problematic. And if that impedes your ability to be neutral and to do the job properly, it’s inconceivable you could remain in that role.” www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/art...
Former justice minister David Lametti questions suitability of new human-rights chiefwww.theglobeandmail.com Birju Dattani, recently appointed to lead the Canadian Human Rights Commission, issued a statement indicating he has no intention of quitting
Must read on Bill C-11: “Government and the CRTC are pretending the companies paying out those hundreds of millions will simply accept lower profit margins. Unsurprisingly, some firms and industry associations have already warned prices for consumers may rise” www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/edit...
Globe editorial: Ottawa’s levy on streaming services is no screen saverwww.theglobeandmail.com A tax in everything but name, it will raise consumers’ fees while doing little for Canadian content
Wrote about the importance of academic exchange and the safety concerns of Jewish faculty and students on campus. Signed this letter and would encourage other academics to do so as well. www.michaelgeist.ca/2024/05/a-po... www.unitedagainstacademicboycott.com?ref=quillett...
The @lawbytes.bsky.social Podcast, Episode 205: Len St-Aubin on What the CRTC’s Internet Streaming Ruling Means For Creators, Competition and Consumer Costs chtbl.com/track/ED9CFB...
THIS: “Platitudes on social media are worse than useless. They give undeserved cover to politicians unwilling to take concrete steps to protect Jewish-Canadian communities across the country. Jewish-Canadians need the comfort of action, not banalities.” www.theglobeandmail.com/gift/bc5ccfd...
Platitudes won’t roll back antisemitismwww.theglobeandmail.com Jewish-Canadians and their institutions cannot be allowed to become the targets of protests against Israel’s offensive in Gaza. Stopping hate requires decisive action
PM Justin Trudeau actively sought out appearance on US tech podcast. After AI funding talk, conversation shifts to social media. There’s an audible sigh when confronted with Bill C-18 failures (says “it’s not a link tax”) and downplays chance of a TikTok ban. www.nytimes.com/2024/06/07/p...
A Conversation With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, and an OpenAI Whistle-Blower Speaks Outwww.nytimes.com It turns out A.I. is surprisingly Canadian.