
Here by Richard McGuire was a short. 6-page comic published in 1989 in Raw magazine, the groundbreaking anthology edited by Art Spiegelman & Françoise Mouly. McGuire later expanded Here into a 2014 graphic novel. This is a 1991 short film based on the short comic version:
Here (1991) A short film about a series of events in time that happen in one point of space: the corner of a room in a normal house. Student-produced at the RIT Dept. of...
The frame including multiple time periods in smaller frames as you see in this short film is also present in the original comic.
The forthcoming Zemeckis feature film with Tom Hanks & Robin Wright is supposedly adapted from the graphic novel version of Here, though it looks like it may include a more conventional story, something the McGuire versions don't have. Zemeckis may just have used McGuire's concept as a springboard.