
This neatly sums up my dissatisfaction with Furiosa. Generally, if I come away from a film feeling this way, I tend to think the “pacing” was off, which it was in this case. Unclear stakes kills any potential emotional investment and will help gloss over things like bumpy pacing or clunky visuals.
FURIOSA, FURY ROAD, AND THE NECESSITY OF STAKES by "If the stakes are crystalline, many narrative sins can be forgotten. When the stakes are unclear, we are at persistent risk of… let’s call it detaching emotionally from the story..."
Furiosa, Fury Road, And The Necessity Of The tl;dr is I saw Furiosa, it was good! I liked it! It was also not amazing, and I think it fell way short of Fury Road (to be fair, nearly everything falls short of Fury Road) — and so I ha…