
i'm high, i'm making memes... share this so it doesn't die a virgin #FlushTrump
Oh this is going in my files. Thanks Michael 😁
been doing a bunch of vote memes lately...doing my bit, i'm not american anymore so i can't vote here's another...
Don't have to be American or able to vote to contribute to stopping Trump. The influence of America's president effects the world. I'm a Canadian and what happens in America greatly effects me. Trump and his ilk stuck their toxic political noses into Canadian politics so I return the favor in kind.
i used to be american but i'm swedish now...but don't worry every family member & all my friends have been given their voting orders🤣
I don't know much about Sweden but by many accounts you landed in a nice place.👍
i'm in florida now but i plan on going back someday
The only good thing in Florida now is the good people that are trapped there. I used to live in Florida for years. That Florida is gone now so I don't even return to visit. They have to come here instead.