
Good Morning Bluesky β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ It’s insane that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee. America has been digging a grave. Is the dirt getting ready to be pulled in on top of us ? Trump can gain access to security secrets as soon as July 🀬🀬🀬
ALERT: Trump could REGAIN ACCESS to national security secrets as soon as Presidential candidates have traditionally been given national security briefings, but none of them were charged with Espionage Act violations before.
Sheila, for those who say they won’t vote or will vote 3rd Party.. if they have any brains at all now is the time to use them!! This is Trump and the GOP’s plan #VoteBlueSaveDemocracy
Here's a copy of their 900 page manifesto. It is terrifying and everyone needs to read it. They are already implementing parts of it in red states and have been for several years. Project 2025 has been in the works for Christian Nationalist Billionaires since 1980
Policy | Project This book is the product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from across the conservative movement and around the country. Contributors include former elected officials, world-renowned econom...
You wouldve thought the Christians would be satisfied w/ what they had & have. The entire world has to be subjected to their religious Holiday Season. We are bombarded by Religious Music, & Decorations for 2 solid months every year & they made Sundays a holy day for decades w/ no liqour sales.
They have had and still have free and unfettered access to their churches and places of Worship. They have their own schools and Universities. Nobody is telling them they cant worship abd live their lives. And yet look at this Project 2025. They are all power hungry, insecure and bigoted. Still.
Continuing to inflict Their religion. Their beliefs and Their way of live on the rest of us. No matter the Social costs to the Country. They Want #Gilead basically. And Anybody who votes Republican in 2024 is siding with these lunatics.
Christian Nationalists are not true Christians. They are control freaks that support misogyny, bigotry and racism. Wealthy older white men, that have been the entitled boss-man their entire lives want economic dominance and power and resent sharing that with women, minorities and progressives.
But they are still hiding behind & cherry picking aspects of Organized Christianity & Evangelicalism to further their bull sh*t extremist political agendas. And im not seeing an organized Response from those religious Sects denouncing it or back pushing against it Im seeing silence & Complicity
Christian Nationalism has been around since Christianity began. The have always wanting dominance (The Crusades) but during the last century many are leaving Christianity, making a minority. This is their last real chance to make America Christian and control who does or gets what.
Well said. I guess im just super annoyed that a fair portion of * religious* America cant live and let live. Its a cult of Karens. Its Unbelievably Arrogant. Its obnoxious. Its hypocritical. And its going to be the Iceberg that Sinks the country if we dont stop it.
Ted, I think ppl either live in a cave, don’t read, or just refuse to believe this is true! The GOP tell us what they will do! Believe them!
Of course, and Fox "news" pounds on them regularly with BS distortions of actual issues.
What a disgrace Fox is allowed to call itself β€œnews”. The mainstream media does us no favors either. It’s all about ratings 😀 It is exhausting. πŸ’™