Michael Z.

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Michael Z.


Poet, writer and translator.
Written in a single breath and edited on a flight just before my self imposed deadline gives me the feeling of jotting down a last sonnet on the night before execution. micz.substack.com/p/persistence
Not exactly a war poem, but one I wrote while in and out of air raid shelters in Jerusalem . Something silly and frivolous written against the world outside. micz.substack.com/p/corrupts-a...
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I tried extremely hard to have the poem done by the 14’th, on the anniversary of his death, but with the war breaking out and everything that's been going on i’ve decided it was more important to get it right. I hope you think it was worth it. micz.substack.com/p/the-death-...
The Death of Randall Jarrellmicz.substack.com It's hard to say what happened on that night By weaving highway traffic heading home, Our scholar standing in the dark, alone Cars flashing like some dreadful metronome. Him or his madness indicating ...
I tried extremely hard to have the poem done by the 14’th, on the anniversary of his death, but with the war breaking out and everything that's been going on i’ve decided it was more important to get it right. I hope you think it was worth it. micz.substack.com/p/the-death-...
The Death of Randall Jarrellmicz.substack.com It's hard to say what happened on that night By weaving highway traffic heading home, Our scholar standing in the dark, alone Cars flashing like some dreadful metronome. Him or his madness indicating ...
Reposted byAvatar Michael Z.
My theory with translation is, like a bounty, you have to bring it back alive. For your consideration: Alla Luna - Adapted from Leopardi. micz.substack.com/p/to-the-moon
With It being the 50th anniversary of Auden's death I thought I would post a photo of every book of his I own. Well... Somewhere in my library there is also a hardback edition of Look, Stranger! before it was retitled to On this Island, and a paperback copy of The Dyer's Hand, but this should do.
My theory with translation is, like a bounty, you have to bring it back alive. For your consideration: Alla Luna - Adapted from Leopardi. micz.substack.com/p/to-the-moon
Elias Canetties ascetic disinterest in both ideas and people is in it’s own may admirable. But my god! The only occasional splodge of color is when he dips into his overwhelming resentment at people more successful then he is. Nice cover tho.
I know it’s chic for modern professors to play up the carefree, libertine look. But there is an art to lounging on the back of a salve, and the risk is, nine times out of ten, you just end up looking like a regular pervert.
The less style dominates literature the more it dominates film. Even TV shows now try to have a ‘look’.
Found this gem looking for something else. You shouldn't have seen it, but it all makes sense to them. (By Graham Annable. Same guy that did Puzzle Agent.)
The problem for confessional verse is that as far as art is concerned honesty is the most dubious of the moral qualities. In both it's passionate and dispassionate forms it appears to lack the permanence that one wants from it. It also has the bad habit of appearing too easy and almost never clever.
Not even a town, this was very much an attempt to capture the slow, seasonal life of the village I grew up in. micz.substack.com/p/something-...
During his long life and career Gabriele D'Annunzio was everything from an ultra-nationalist to a communist and a fascist. He was also a great poet: micz.substack.com/p/dannunzio-the-last-days-of-mankind
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Hello. I dont yet know how this works and Introductions are always awkward, but if you are one of the precious few not scared away by literature and poetry, then why not come say hi. 👋
Some alternative covers for my poem Pillars. All by the great Joel Meyerowitz. micz.substack.com/p/the-pillars-of-civilization
Looking though 2017 issues of the New Yorker while looking for a quote makes you terrified to say anything. What if you get things THAT wrong.
And here are some choice cuts from my collection of Osbert Lancaster cartoons.
Why not start your day with a light, melancholy poem about childhood, parenting and learning the piano. micz.substack.com/p/sheet-music I promise you it's less pretentious then it sounds.
Hello. I dont yet know how this works and Introductions are always awkward, but if you are one of the precious few not scared away by literature and poetry, then why not come say hi. 👋
End of feed.