
if you don't have time to listen, basically the research suggests that getting a lot of responses on social media can make you more 'entrenched' in the opinion you already held, even if it was kinda loosely held before. i feel like i've *felt* this happen to me. scary! don't care for it!
social media might actually be the devil (i am agnostic on a good day and atheist the rest of the time lmao)
Every time I end up talking to The Youth about the ills from prior generations, I always have to apologize for my generation inflicting Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter upon the world. :\
It's such a Struggle™ because on one hand, instantaneous conversation with people from corners and facets of the world you'd never be aware of otherwise. On the other hand, instantaneous conversation with people from corners and facets of the world you'd never be aware of otherwise (derogatory)
This certainly pushes me slightly away of my current behavior of being generous with Likes, using them to indicate I've read something (UNLESS I get an "off" vibe from it). Interesting to think about, thank you for sharing.
Oh nooooooo I hate this. I’m not surprised but oof.