
"Retirement age is 65, that's crazy!" says BlackRock CEO. "Our retirement age dates from the time of the Ottoman Empire!" Fun fact: the Ottoman Empire dissolved after World War I. The Titanic sank before the Ottoman Empire did. The time of the Ottoman Empire was not that long ago.
The whole point of technological progress should be to INCREASE leisure and owntime, not to figure out how much more work can be extracted from people than previously. Our values should reflect "Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren," not Pharaoh's "Let them make bricks without straw!"
When people like that Blackrock shitstain say "People should continue to be productive," what they mean by "productive" is "making more money for me," not doing things we consider meaningful.
Also my parents had so much retirement funds!!! Because they invested in capital markets! And they also had a state pention, which I will mention several paragraphs later!!
Thanks to GQP policies, American life expectancy is trending downward, so we’re sort of heading back to the Ottoman Empire. 😑
No CEO should have an opinion on anything, since by their very nature, they are no longer invovled with working or the workforce in any meaningful way.
Oh, look. Another blithering idiot with absurd amounts of wealth to abuse. Isn't that just dandy.