
Ah, neat, classic accelerationism, not like any left-leaning country has ever collapsed due to reactionary forces, amirite? /s
There's also this take to consider.
"We can't push Biden left" Biden: runs the most progressive administration in modern history These people live on a different planet. They lie to themselves daily so that they can be the protagonist in their own little story.
This one might make you laugh. How do they expect to build up their own material forces while refusing to ally with liberals and being hunted down by the far right?
These are same people harassing me for posting I’m voting for Biden. They do live on a different planet and a lot of them don’t read past 100-200 characters. They sure don’t read pages of policy. Probably won’t ever read 900+ page of P25, to know what we are up against.
Christ on a cracker! I see the original poster is a political scientist who is on that “genocide” bandwagon. Where did this come from? Where were these people when Syrian Yazidis were dying? Were they protesting in Moscow? Who sold weapons to the Islamic State?? Oh, can’t protest in Moscow? Why not?