mikescarcella.bsky.social follows

Scott R. Anderson
General Counsel and Senior Editor at Lawfare. Fellow at the Brookings Institution and Columbia Law School. Former diplomat and lawyer.
Marty Lederman
Professor at Georgetown University Law Center; former DOJ/OLC attorney
Tom “T.M.” Wolf
Tom “T.M.” Wolf
Director of Democracy Initiatives at the Brennan Center. Founder/Organizer of the Historians Council on the Constitution. By night, I write. My novel SOUND (FSG/Faber) and more: tomtmwolf.com.
Elena Chachko
Elena Chachko
Law professor @Berkeley Law. Inaugural Rappaport Fellow @Harvard Law. Writing and teaching about law, geopolitics, administration and technology.
Aliza Shatzman
Aliza Shatzman
President + Founder, The Legal Accountability Project (LAP), writing + speaking about judicial accountability, clerkships + transparency—and how LAP is transforming the clerkship system
Dr. Adam Feldman
Dr. Adam Feldman
Supreme Court Scholar, Empirical SCOTUS creator, legal data analytics consultant, political science professor, previously ran statistics for SCOTUSBlog
John Gramlich
John Gramlich
I'm an associate director at the Pew Research Center in Washington, DC.
Big Cases Bot
Big Cases Bot
Real-time updates on the latest filings in major cases in U.S. courts. Created by @bradheath.bsky.social. Run by @free.law. Monthly sponsorships available: https://bots.law/big-cases/sponsors/
Steve Benen
Steve Benen
Rachel Maddow Show producer, MaddowBlog author, MSNBC contributor, and author of THE IMPOSTORS
Alex Abdo
Alex Abdo
Litigation Director, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University (he/him)
Noah Shachtman
Noah Shachtman
contributing writer at Rolling Stone // contributing editor at Wired // making trouble at ■■■■■■■■ // https://signal.me/#eu/faDAgeHk97Z8qu2QDYtM1U-BSPVY4ahU6Qsnq-Ehv7P8qvdJ6ORDPbHPIOBWlFhU
JP Collins
JP Collins
Law prof at GW Law. New Yorker turned Virginian. Former SDNY clerk and litigator at Sullivan & Cromwell. Studying and writing about court admin and the judiciary. #LFGM #COYS Papers here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=22389
Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes
Bronx boy. Cubs fan. Dad, husband, writer, podcaster and cable news host.
Josh Sisco
Josh Sisco
I cover antitrust at Politico
Karl Bode
Karl Bode
💻I write about tech, telecom, media, politics, and consumer rights.🕺🙄🤦‍♂️
Joe Dunman
Joe Dunman
Asst. Prof at Louisville Law (torts, writing, religion, employment)
Former: Managing Attorney @ Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, prof @ Morehead State, and lawyer for KY plaintiffs in Obergefell v Hodges.
I like heavy music. Mistakes are my own.
Michael C. Dorf
Cornell Law Professor specializing in constitutional law but a dilettante in many other fields. I use social media mostly to provide links to my work, especially blog posts (and those of my co-bloggers) on Dorfonlaw.org. And to lurk.
Benjamin Wittes
Benjamin Wittes
Editor in Chief, Lawfare
Senior Fellow, Brookings
Author, #DogShirtDaily
Деякі люди грають у теніс. Деякі колекціонують марки. Я переслідую російських дипломатів.
Adam Steinbaugh
Adam Steinbaugh
Philly. First Amendment lawyer at FIRE. Licensed in CA, PA. Opinions my own.
Alex Hemmer
Alex Hemmer
Deputy Solicitor General of Illinois. Lawyer, husband, dad. Faint-hearted user of social media platforms.
Matt Collette
Matt Collette
Attorney. DOJ Civ App. alum. Double Dog Dad. Survivor. Was never very good at ice hockey (but I tried). D.C/Maryland and Ogdensburg NY.
Ruthanne Deutsch
Ruthanne Deutsch
Appellate Lawyer; mom; believer in new beginnings and being present. Cooks a lot; gardens some; posts rarely.
alex roberts
alex roberts
law professor teaching & writing about trademark, false advertising, IP, & entertainment law at northeastern
Steve Vladeck
Steve Vladeck
Karen’s husband; father of daughters; Charles Alan Wright Chair in Federal Courts at the University of Texas School of Law; SCOTUS nerd for CNN.

SCOTUS newsletter: stevevladeck.substack.com

New book: tinyurl.com/shadowdocket
John Elwood
John Elwood
Law nerd. Music fan. Serial monomaniac. Views are my own and not my firm's. Maybe not even mine.
Sam Bagenstos
Sam Bagenstos
Personal account. Personal views. Currently serving as General Counsel of the US Department of Health and Human Services while on leave from the University of Michigan Law School & the University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy.
rat king 🐀 👑
rat king 🐀 👑
writer, skeeter

Sean Marotta
Sean Marotta
Kate Shaw
Kate Shaw
Law prof @Penn, cohost Strict Scrutiny podcast
Zack Ford
Zack Ford
Press/Editorial: AFJustice

Formerly: ThinkProgress (RIP).
Queer/cis, atheist, SJW, pianist, gaymer, IC alumni, union member. https://linktr.ee/zackford

Opinions my own. (He/Him) 🏳️‍🌈🖖
Ryan J. Reilly
Ryan J. Reilly
NBC News Justice reporter with a focus on the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. SEDITION HUNTERS, the book, out now: http://tiny.cc/SeditionHunters
Matt Ford
Matt Ford
Staff writer, The New Republic. Law, democracy, and the courts.
Brian Stelter
Brian Stelter
Media nerd. Stay at home dad. Vanity Fair special correspondent. Shorenstein fellow. Writing a book called NETWORK OF LIES. Trying to keep it kinda light on here.
Joe Patrice
Joe Patrice
"One of the great journalists of our time at a venerable institution for investigative journalism... Joe Patrice at Above the Law" -- Judge William Pryor
Brianne Gorod
Brianne Gorod
Chief Counsel at CAC, but posts are mine alone. Clerked for Rakoff, Katzmann, Breyer; attorney at DOJ OLC & OMM. She/her.
Kimberly Robinson
Kimberly Robinson
Supreme Court Reporter for Bloomberg Law. Mom, runner, nerd.
Greg Castanias
Greg Castanias
Husband, father, appellate and IP lawyer, law professor, writer, college trustee, college fraternity leader, adoption advocate, cocktail maker, and dining enthusiast. #AppellateTwitter refugee.
Seth Stern
Seth Stern
Bloomberg Law editor; author of Speaking Yiddish to Chickens and co-author of Justice Brennan: Liberal Champion
Lydia Wheeler
Lydia Wheeler
Supreme Court reporter at Bloomberg Law. Kayaker, baker, cold pizza junkie. Guest appearances from Ted, my soccer playing Goldendoodle.
Dan Papscun
Dan Papscun
Covering antitrust/labor/tech @ The Capitol Forum | he/him | tips ➡️ dpapscun(@)thecapitolforum(.)com
Clark Mindock
Clark Mindock
Climate law reporter at Reuters
Jess Bravin
Jess Bravin
Supreme Court correspondent, The Wall Street Journal. Author, "The Terror Courts: Rough Justice at Guantanamo Bay"; "Squeaky: The Life & Times of Lynette Alice Fromme." Founder: Raymond Chandler Square, L.A. City Historic-Cultural Monument No. 597.
CREW uses high-impact legal actions to target government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests. citizensforethics.org
Tom Jackman
Tom Jackman
Crime and justice reporter, The Washington Post. Big fan of sports, music, comedy, sleeping, not necessarily in that order.
Law Dork
Law Dork
The home for Chris Geidner’s legal newsletter, covering SCOTUS, as well as LGBTQ, criminal justice, post-Roe, and more legal news. Subscribe today: https://www.lawdork.com/
Kathryn Rubino
Kathryn Rubino
Senior editor at Above the Law
Jonathan Zittrain
Jonathan Zittrain
A small creature who likes to run around in universities.

Prof. Harvard Law School, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Harvard Kennedy School. EFF Board. Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and the HLS Library.
Criminal defense, civil rights, and, occasionally civil, trial lawyer. Former Emptywheel legal and sports writer, husband, father and generally cranky observateur.
Pete Strzok
Pete Strzok
26 year FBI and Army veteran. Georgetown School of Foreign Service adjunct professor and alum. NYT/WP bestseller: Compromised
Maggie Haberman
Maggie Haberman
NYT/CNN/"Confidence Man"