

My friends with generational ties to Appalachia experienced the book much as I did. They felt misrepresented. Misunderstood. Scapegoated for the result of the 2016 election. Many wrote pieces in direct response. www.theguardian.com/us-news/arti...
I’m from Appalachia. JD Vance doesn’t represent us – he only represents himself | Neema Avashiawww.theguardian.com Hillbilly Elegy perpetuates a stereotyped representation of Appalachia, one in which people like me don’t exist
"Comparing Obama & Trump at the same points in their presidencies, the economy...hiring...the S&P 500... grew faster under Obama..., the unemployment rate shrunk faster under Obama & the national debt grew slower under Obama." www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddo...
Republican convention tries to rewrite recent history on economywww.msnbc.com Speakers at the Republican National Convention insisted that Donald Trump created "the strongest economy in history." That's demonstrably ridiculous.
Whatever you do today please don't let Donald and MAGA see that RNC night one ratings are down 5 Million viewers compared to 2016, even though it was broadcast across 12 broadcasters and cable networks. www.independent.co.uk/news/world/a...
RNC night one ratings down 5 million viewers compared to 2016www.independent.co.uk Monday night’s coverage drew 18.1 million viewers across 12 broadcasters and cable networks
A Montana judge blocked a directive from Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen (R) to disqualify thousands of petition signatures, ruling in favor of organizers seeking to place abortion rights and democracy reforms on the ballot this November. www.democracydocket.com/news-alerts/...
Read more here.www.democracydocket.com Montana Unlawfully Rejected Signatures in Favor of Abortion and Democracy Reform Initiatives, Judge Rules
In a victory for voters, a federal court rejected a lawsuit from the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee that tried to throw out mail-in ballots in Nevada that were cast by Election Day and received shortly after. www.democracydocket.com/news-alerts/...
Read more here.www.democracydocket.com Federal Court Rejects RNC and Trump Campaign’s Challenge to Nevada Ballot Receipt Deadline
The Washington Post & NY Times...fact-checkers are calling out a myriad of false claims. MSNBC is doing the same...CNN is airing a fact-checking segment after the convention coverage...Fox “News” is airing live speeches unchallenged & unchecked. open.substack.com/pub/steady/p...
Selective Memory in Milwaukeeopen.substack.com Donald Trump’s repugnant record is MIA at the RNC