Mike Zhou

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Mike Zhou


He/Him,An Artist/Animator/Writer in training,Randomized Maker.
RWBY is on VIZ So.....i Glad the FNDM did it,we all did it, we #SavedRWBY.
Dude,Zaslav is so,so late to destroy it on it's 101st birthday party.
Zaslav does not understand the Biz. He understands business, but not Show Business. He seems to be determined to kill Warner Bros. before the venerable studio hits its 101st. anniversary.
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‘Coyote vs. Acme’ Screenwriter Samy Burch Says Film Might Still Be Released | IndieWire https://www.fxoxo.com/56710/ ‘Coyote vs. Acme’ Screenwriter Samy Burch Says Film Might Still Be Released | IndieWire by HumanAdhesiveness912
'Coyote vs. Acme' Screenwriter Samy Burch Says Film Might Still Be Released | IndieWirewww.fxoxo.com 'Coyote vs. Acme' Screenwriter Samy Burch Says Film Might Still Be Released | IndieWireby HumanAdhesiveness912
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Zaslav is a clueless moron! The people getting behind #CoyoteVsAcme aren’t idiots…it’s gotten rave reviews at test screenings! There’s an insane amount of demand and it would no doubt be a huge success if he would just #ReleaseCoyoteVsAcme! 😎
Thanks,we all agreed on that,we hope this will prove the evidence that Looney Tunes takes better than Zaslav's suggestion of Tom Cruise,Kevin Costner,Margot Robbie and all that nonsense,Looney Tunes is now better than these,if It's bomb,don't blame me,Blame Zaslav,foe he whom should be blamed.
You know how whenever a new movie based on a cartoon comes out people complain "Why does it have to be CGI or in the real world? Why cant it just be a cartoon movie?" Well THIS is that cartoon movie, so you'd better all go see it because if it bombs I'm blaming all of you. youtu.be/hafVN4-1cxU?...
"The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie" - Coming Soonwww.youtube.com That’s not all folks! Porky Pig and Daffy Duck, one of the greatest comedic duos in history, are making their hilarious return to the big screen in the sci-...
I agreed with you, @jwcartoonist.bsky.social This should stop,wB and CN Should treat Cartoons and RT better than treated like a baby and waste all times on Discovery adaptions and David Zaslav's Random Decision.....we should not burned a lot on it.
A lot of new projects were annoyed by Warner Bros and Cartoon Network, but it's sort of hard to get hyped up for them when you know David Zaslav could randomly decide to make them tax write-offs at any moment. I've been burned too many times...
Je suis Charlie And Long Live the liberty And democratic And freedom of minds.
@mohammadalhabil.bsky.social I'm with you,we Want peace,but now wanting for war,war Should stop....if all of us should stand together against it. Freedom never stops. Justice never stops. Evil should stops. Liberty never stops. Democratic never stops. JE. SUIS. CHARLIE.
don't worry about yourself,it's ok to tell everyone what kind of pain you had felt in your mind,a pain doesn't comes in flesh,but thoughts,it's all fine,talking your own pain,it's fine to cure yourself all that it's #mentalhealthawarenessmonth
YEAH,it sounds like a voice was sphread from to our head,the voice was like "take that,zaslav!"
The number one film at the box office this weekend was directed by the same filmmakers whose previous movie was permanently shelved by David Zaslav.
🎶"We dance whene'er we're able"🎶 #superanimalroyale
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What are the top features you'd like to see next, Super Animals? We’re knee deep in dev work, but we're always looking for ways to keep improving the game and add what you want!
why not a do-it-yourself geam mode,also,some new story mode to add in! @animalroyale.com hope you like it!
What are the top features you'd like to see next, Super Animals? We’re knee deep in dev work, but we're always looking for ways to keep improving the game and add what you want!
despite allk that,these four years,whatever Trump did,it always his way to let "the elephants 'out of the room'".
One of the main things that Trump accomplished in four years :
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One of the main things that Trump accomplished in four years :
Man,we should REALLY do Justice to #CoyotevsACME......
Yeah,and they even had a lot of layoffs and writeoffs that even Tax payers would ultimately shamed for,write-off for taxes with Cartoons we like,kinda shame,and now all we all gonna eat are a tons of diet with Indie supper instead of what it used to be a mainstream restaurant......
The present day Hollywood approach to diversity in storytelling is “everyone is allowed in the kitchen but the only thing they’re allowed to cook are chicken nuggets”
It's OPEN FOLLOWBACK!!!! 1. follow base 2. repost & like 3. Reply required Tried yours. Thank you and Have Fun!
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OPEN FOLLOWBACK ♡ Follow base ♡ Repost and like ♡ Reply done Good luck! 💗
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Reposted byAvatar Mike Zhou
It's been such a long time since I've been able to draw her due to commissions and my day job taking up the bulk of my time... I miss her.
I agree with you,there's no way we can hate Garfield,nor the movie,it seems they perfectly rendered the Garfield very well,I like to see it.
My thoughts on The Garfield Movie.
Oh,JWCartoonist is the Incredible toon artist... Did i do right? Thanks for the MAD LIBS!
Fill in the blank: "Oh, JWCartoonist, the _____ artist!"
Reposted byAvatar Mike Zhou
Important update, turns out Hasbro hasn't been using AI for dubbing, they've just switched to cheaper dubbing studios. x.com/TobbyMLP/sta...
Hasbro has started approving use of AI to dub new episodes of MLP outside of English market (the English version still uses voice actors currently). To put it lightly, this is something I do not approve of. #NoHasbroAI #MLP
Reposted byAvatar Mike Zhou
Perfect excuse to bring this back.
Look, I’m not trying to shame anyone, but Purple Princess Minnie is, frankly, a bit of a slut. No matter how she’s placed among the other stuffed toys she ends up in a compromising position. At a certain point it’s just not an accident.