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Hi I’m Sam/Samo or as most people knowme, Misha ~ He/him ~ 28 going on 68 ~ lover of lil plastic men and painting them fun colours ~ 🇬🇧🇫🇷 ~ spread love not hate ~
Stil running in the 90s!
Also sorry iv been super inactive here 😅 between work, spending time with my partner and my new project iv nearly had any time for socials. I’m still alive just slow going. Spending most my spear time on stuff now I’m really enjoying and going into learning new things really has took all my time 🙈
Coming up with faction ideas for your game is fucking awesome! When there’s no limits to what you can do anything is possible! Over the next week or so I’ll be asking peoples feed back on some as I post descriptions of some as I world build! Been enjoying this so far! 😄
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Good morning Nerdlings. My family took umbrage at my desire to sleep so I’m a little broken. Today’s theme for Find Folk Friday is therefore…confused. Let’s see stuff that you maybe can’t quite define. As usual I’ll repost the lot, and if you like something, share it. #Nerdlings
Ngl….. I miss Canada sometimes. Miss going to Banff on weekends 😭😭😭
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The Ahriman project. So far. 😁
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Just a little more work on the basing and I'll call her done. I don't think I actually intend to play with this one other than sitting beside me when I play as a reference 🤣. I wanted something to be "my mech" for my pilot if I ever played Lancer. #minipainting #hobby #lancer
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Finally finished! 😍 I hate that it took me best part of 3 weeks... #ork #warhammer #minipainting #warhammer40k
Okie need some help. Iv come up with a name and kinda set my heart on it BUT found a few other things (not ttrpg) and now wondering if I should still go with it? I don’t see a problem just yeah 😅🙈 probs over thinking it.
I’m seeing more and more about AI in the creative space these fast few weeks and it’s honestly pretty scary for someone like myself whose sole income is art. With seeing it over socials how some justify and defend it to having new clients at work not knowing what it is when showing me. 🙂‍↕️
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I went with orange/red and think it worked reasonably well. #Nerdlings
Eggs: Scrambled with a dash of cream. Steak: Blue. Milk: Blue top full fat. Alcohol: Whiskey, lean. Warm drink: coffee black no sugar.
Eggs: Scrambled, still wet. Steak: Rare. Milk: Full fat Alcohol: None, sober nearly 5 years Warm drink: Strong coffee, dash of milk, tiniest sprinkle of sugar.
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Yeah, that's an Infiltrator squad in the original post, so thanks to everyone who didn't point out my dumbass mistake 🤪👍 (The one on the left is holding a Reiver helmet, though... ) THESE are the two Reiver Squads of my Female Space Marines, the Azure Raptors!
Test complete. I learned a few things, remembered a few more, and I have ideas for the next version. This practical test has helped me work out which processes and materials to use, so the next version will be bigger and better. Azure Raptors Female Space Marines Reiver Squad On Parade! #Nerdlings
So after over a year of it on my mind iv decided to take the chance and dive! Im gonna try make my own ttrpg, I know it’ll be a long journey and honestly know nothing will come of it but I feel there’s nothing to loose, and it’ll be a fun thing! Got ideas galore so hopefully I can do something!
So made a decision yesterday to do somthing for myself, nothing comes of it that’s okie as I don’t expect anything but wonna try and do it for me. This does mean I’ll probs be posting less WH stuff due to time now. Will make a post later 😆 I’m super excited to start my own journey!!
So made a decision yesterday to do somthing for myself, nothing comes of it that’s okie as I don’t expect anything but wonna try and do it for me. This does mean I’ll probs be posting less WH stuff due to time now. Will make a post later 😆 I’m super excited to start my own journey!!
…. So anyone fancy bringing me a coffee or 20…. Someone decided to sit up and watch the WH live show and decided to not sleep cos it was a school night 🤣 I’m starting to regret this decision now 🤣
I need to buy wet wipes…. FOR MINIS BEFORE ANYONE ASKS 🤣
To try somthing new for a base or to not….. hmmmm 🤔🤔 Nothing could go wrong when fires involved right?….. right 😅
So ent really been about at all recently, been busy with stuff irl but did get round to carrying on with the slow hobby. Very slow wip 🙂‍↕️ but looks aight with the candy pink ish look? I think. 🙈 #nerdlings #Warhammer
Last night I got a lil reminder of home, last time I saw these I was a lil lad. Nature is truly beautiful!
Well looks like my time with gamesworkshop is coming to an end 🙂‍↕️ was a good run tho.
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New addition to my trans pride series with the Adeptus Custodes representative : the Blade Champion, fighting for the Emperor with her Prismatic blades ! As usual with those sculpts designed for metallic paint, it was a real challenge in my style, but great fun. #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity
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Daily bunny no.2480 will not go to space today
God I’m really rattling my brain over this metallic stuff >< Maybe it’s time to sleep ><
So playing to try get a metallic colour. Finding that going ontop of my gold and silver the colour really nulls the shine of a metallic 🙂‍↕️ Back to the drawing board I think 🤔 next and last thing I can try is inks as there less matted. Open to thoughts from everyone! 😆
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Sister Phoenicia Steale, a Blade Champion of the Adeptus Custodes. the last couple weeks in this hobby have been pretty embarrassing to witness, and I'm nothing if not a little petty, so couldn't resist throwing my hat in the ring. my first Custodes model, but perhaps not my last!
Iv made a great realisation with the DoK….. Iv gotta paint skin….. SHIT.
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It took me years to paint Ahriman. I bought him for a Golden Demon project I fell out of love with and he sat partly built in box until now. I kept putting off painting him, until I realised I didn't want to paint him to GD standard, I just wanted to paint him. And so I did. 😊
My wallet fell out of my hand and bounced into a shop, it was laying on a bag of plastic… was so strange 👀👀👀👀 Things really get wild in sunny weather huh #Nerdlings #AoS
Nothing like going for a great walk for 3 hours through the country side along the canals 🥰 Now back to my cave of darkness 🤣🤣