

Dear Mr. Clooney: You advocate Despotic over Democratic Rule. That is the major difference between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden. The first advocates Despotic Rule and the demise of Democracy. Mr Biden represents the maintainance of Democracy.
Another social platform to undermine our youth with nonsense and balderdash!
Why should the President? As a medical person, it was obvious that he had a cold, sinus issue, or some other type of respiratory issue. The clue was the raspy throat. Those who are urging his withdrawal apparently do not understand that he represents Democracy and Trump, a Monarchy! Be careful!
@bawbzilla.bsky.social Thank you for your reply. Would you please explain "Why should he?"
@washingtonpost.com Dear Sir, Numerous people talked about the President's Debate. However, I do not see any evidence of an investigation of his raspy throat. That was an obvious clue that he was suffering from a sore throat, sinus infection or other respiratory issue. This should be addressed!
@jaketapper.bsky.social Dear Mr Tapper, As a preeminent newscaster, have you checked whether the President was suffering from a cold, a respiratory infection or a simple sore throat? As a medical person, I would investigate the reason for his raspy throat. This was a very obvious clue.
Thank you for reposting my comments.
I was happy to read your article. I, myself, do not believe that many people are able to cooperate, compromise, and resolve the issues confronting our society. I have warned people that the November election is straightforward. Either we want to retain and maintain Democracy or allow a dictator.
With respect to your comments concerning President Biden, today the other foot fell. The Supreme Court just created a Monarchy. The election of Trump and his doctrine could run rampantly without guardrails. President Biden and people like myself have stated this democracy against dictator. Godhelp
Dear Sir, As a retired teacher, I must vociferously disagree. The screen time expensed triggers several issues. They do not talk to people one one-on-one. Their posts can not hear the intonation,inflection, and attitude. I have also observed that their listening declines and verbal skills suffer.
The State Law in New York should be changed to allow the Jury to have copy.
I do not understand why the minority groups still support Triumph. Basically, the Presidenitial Election is very simple to understand for all Americans. Bisen stands for Democracy. Triumph stands for a Dictatorship. How simple us that?
Senator McConnell, I knew there was a reasonable rational, Republican. Thank you
I am very pleased to see that a city in Canada will be teaching and mandating courses in using financial resources. Why does the U.S. not do the same?
I knew that Canada was a very pragmatic country. The imposition of higher taxes on the wealthy is fair and equitable. If the U.S. were as advanced as Canada, equity would prevail here. And we could stop the "The Rich From Getting Richer" and the remaining population "just hanging on."
I would like to simply the contrast between Mr. BIDEN and Mr. TRUMP. Mr Biden epitomizes reason and rationality. Mr Trump epitomizes lack of reason and is completely irrational. I opt for reason and rational thought! HOW about you?
I am very pleased to see that someone realizes the importance of the U.S.'s role in maintaining cohesion amongst the Western Powers. I hope that the parocial, myopic and narrow-minded members of Congress will fund these actions. If Ucrane is an example of its mind-set, "God Help Us".
It is about time that these loopholes are closed! I wonder how long it will be until the first court challenge!
Concerning your explanation of rising fuel prices, one primary source is the action if the Iranian-supported rebels whose actions are necessitating movement around Africa and not thru the Sues Canal. This diversion is very costly. The expenses will be reflected in prices paid!
It is about time that Educational institutions responded to the gravely negative impact that the social media companies are having on the youth. More are depressed and don't know how to communicate with other individuals personally. One does not need media to talk to another person!
My assessment is that the Russians orchestrated this entire action to enable them to conscript more individuals for the Armed Forces. People who have studied the current situation are very aware of the rapidly increasing opposition to Mr Putin. Nothing like staging an attack to divert attention
The adoption if the Time Tok law is much easier to enact than aid to Ukraine. This is because if the parocial, myopic, mini-brains who can not comprehend major issues because this requires real "Brain Power", which is in short supply in the House!
I am pleased to see a judge who can differentiate between what is right and what is grossly exaggerated.
The perilous nature regarding Taiwan is directly correlated to the myopic nature of the American Congress and the lethal influence being exerted by Trump. This has emboldened Russia and China.
Yes, Biden can. He offers the difference between Tyranny and Democracy. I prefer Democracy!
To me that implies his inability to distinguish Between a Democracy and Tyranny. Yet many benighted Americans support Trump!
The recent polling confirms how vacuous, obtuse, and gullible the American public has become. They prefer showmanship to statesmanship. This is truly a reflection of their naivety. Should Trump be reelected, it will confirm my suspicion that the average voter responds to illusions And not facts.
I am glad to see that someone else has observed that his "Ego" and "Hubris" might hopefully lead to his self-destruction.
The Democratic Party has two choices. Either support the incumbent or bear witness to further erosion of our Democracy. Everyone knows, if Trump is elected, he will launch a level of vindictive retribution never before seen in our country. The choice is to maintain our democracy or see it go.
Until masks are mandated by Washington, people will not feel compelled to wear a mask.