
Today in there’s nothing new under the sun: In 1903 a white hotel worker became a right wing celebrity for being fired after refusing to make booker t washington’s bed because he was black and a bunch of people around the country raised thousands of dollars on her behalf
And your point is what, exactly? In Chicago in 2023, there were 568 homicides, nearly every one of them black-on-black violence. Talk about that.
You apparently do not. Crime is a CHOICE.
Everyone knows it's a choice, but you don't know HOW it works and why.
I know exactly HOW it works. Absent and/or dug addicted parents. It's a viscous cycle the liberal left refuse to look at or take seriously. The family is the foundation of society, yet you all treat it like a poison.
And you simple twat waffles think that it only applies to one specific race. You forgot to check your right-wing dumbassery at the door before coming here. You're that guy that yells at clouds and are a complete waste of my time.
I didn't mention race in my last post, but it is interesting how you all love to play that card every chance you get. My guess is you are a guilt-ridden single, confused white female liberal who calls herself them/they. Pandastorm? Really?
I'm a PoC first off. Second, you're the nimrod who started talking about black on black crime in a post that had absolutely nothing to do with that. If anything, it's your deep racism coming through. Good day, sir.
Black-on-black crime is your kryptonite! It is soooooo relevant, but so ignored by the left because you all have no intention of ever solving any problems that diminish victimhood. I didn't mention race on the parenting post, but that's how you chose to interpret it.