Matt Blair

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Matt Blair

Parent and public servant in Toronto, Canada.
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Seeing a lot of people mad at Jack Black but guys I don’t think it’s actually that shocking that the guy whose career is mostly being the friendly goofball in family films and voicing cartoon bears doesn’t really want to be associated with assassination
A great example of “online content” is this Men’s Health article about the best order in which to watch the “Alien” movies, which takes several paragraphs and multiple ads to get to “the order in which they came out.”
How to Watch the ‘Alien’ Movies in the Right Start with the original. Seriously.
Two important things to bear in mind about editors, publishers and pundits during an election is that they’re professionally invested in a close race, and that they’re generally insulated from the results.
They say that after Reagan was shot, he told the operating room “I hope you are all Republicans,” and the lead surgeon replied that today, they all were. The first poll after the Trump shooting, on the other hand, suggests that there are no new Republicans.
Surprise: Trump did not get polling boost after Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event.In the national Morning Consul...
Instagram reels are great for when you want an account with a name like “Moviie Flix” to show you a clip from “Terminator 2” and say “Mall boy didn’t expect this sunglasses robot to help him like that.”
There are issues and conflicts on this site and others that a straight cis white person simply shouldn’t weigh in on. There’s really no way to do so without making things worse, regardless of how valid or vital a point we might think we’re about to make.
“Doug Ford is ruining summer for Ontario’s kids” is an important button to push when it comes to things like saving the Science Centre, but I worry that if we go too hard, he’ll just respond by trying to lower the age limit for drinking and gambling.
Rebel News is selling “Stand With Trump” merchandise in the wake of his assassination attempt, because that’s who they are.
There have been 46 United States presidents. Four were assassinated (8.7%), and another three, including Trump, survived assassination attempts during or after their terms (6.5%). In all cases, a gun was the weapon of choice. So that’s a 15% chance of getting shot at overall.
I'm grateful today for a flexible office schedule, grateful for a house without leaks after yesterday's heavy rain, and grateful for time tonight to get a decent dinner on the table. #3Gratitudes
“Here in America we don’t settle our disputes with violence” is a nice idea with, I would argue, one glaring flaw.
“I just dropped into Twitter to see what it’s like after the latest news, and I’m here to tell you-“ We all know, yeah. It’s really bad. That’s why we all left. If you’re having trouble quitting, that’s one thing, but nobody is obliged to let the rest of us know how it’s going over there.
I am not a “There’s no way Trump can win” guy. I was, deep down, in 2016, and boy, did I learn a lesson that plenty of smarter and savvier people than me had already known. I’m more of a “There’s no way Trump should win” guy than ever, though, and I think that’s what it’s going to take.
Week 2/16, Day 3/5. Out of order again. Got caught in the rain, but happy enough with the results for one day. Four behind, 0.25 km walking after 3.00 km, adequate pace. #runTO
There’s a lot to be said for picking an issue you care about, researching reputable groups who are working on it, and joining some mailing lists that will tell you how you can consistently help. It’s a lot better than showing up here every day to wallow in terrible news you can’t do anything about.
With all due respect, the wave of “Trump’s running mate is a bad guy” content seems a bit redundant.
I’m grateful today for breaks in the rain, grateful for advances in clean technology, and grateful for a quiet day at home alone. #3Gratitudes
Between now and July 26, donations to Covenant House will be matched up to a total of $85,000. Please consider giving today.
Covenant House Toronto
I'm grateful today for Sunday night dinner with my family, grateful for the Euro Cup Final, and grateful for quiet nights on the front deck. #3Gratitudes
David Miller: “A typical criticism from those seeking to thwart climate action is that taking such action hurts the economy. This is a false argument: the real costs of climate change are the costs of inaction.”
Week 2/16, Day 1/5. Doing my backlog out of order; this was meant to be a long run, but it’s just too hot. Four behind, 0.1 km walking after 2.00 km, target pace. #runTO
I stayed off social media for the bulk of the day, and I may well do it again tomorrow. Hope you all have a good night and get some rest.
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Changing/Updating pop culture can never "ruin my childhood" because it already happened and I can tell the past and present apart.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Blair
The internet is so much easier when you look at 99% of stuff and just say “not my business” and move right along.
Feeling kind of low today, but sometimes it’s good to just let that kind of feeling be what it is.
If aliens were to suddenly show up on Earth and demand that we explain this thing we can music, then I really do feel like “Another One Bites the Dust” would be the best introduction to its meaning, impact and value.
My kids and I are getting to a point at which I might just move a few of my books out to the garage. My youngest is nonbinary, and I’m their champion for life, but I do not at all, for at least another decade, want them to grab Genesis P-Orridge’s “Nonbinary” off the shelf and start reading it.
Alec Baldwin is one of those people who serves as a decent social marker, in the sense that if you have any time-consuming opinion about him at all, then you’re probably either too Democrat or too Republican.