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A composer and a poet.
I never get bored or tired of seeing the EU privacy disclaimers on search engines and websites with the option to say “nothing for me, thanks”. #privacy
Someone just looked at me and mistakenly thought I was a Republican. He then proceeded to tell me how we are in arms together against the Democrat fascists. I let him play on. It was sad entertainment.
So… ummm…. That was a weird couple of days. 😳
Project 2025 is a make or break moment for the country. If you agree with it, you are a true fascist and a moron. If you don’t agree with it, you will vote Democrat and help relegate this shit and all the fascists who support it into the shred bin.
Too many people haven't yet heard about Project 2025. President Biden is getting the message out in no uncertain terms.
Biden Slams Trump's Project 2025 in Forceful Joe is fired up, ready to go!
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Bernie Sanders: “It’s time to learn a lesson from the progressive and centrist forces in France who, despite profound political differences, came together this week to soundly defeat right-wing extremism.”
Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for Enough! It’s time for Democrats to stop the bickering and nit-picking.
Grandizer Go!!!!!!!!
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: “Cobra-La-La-La-La-La!”
I have rediscovered RPN and I now miss my old calculators.
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If France can unite to say "nope" to Le Pen's b.s., then I know we can say "non" to Trump's. Eff yes to liberté, égalité, fraternité
This is how it’s done!
Left-wing parties banded together in France, even though they disagree over many policies, to push down the fascist right-wingers and keep them from power. It's a template of sorts for what we should do come November.
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
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Many doctors who misinformed the public from day 1, like @ScottAtlas_IT, claim they were right. Yet, they refuse to accurately quote @ScottAtlas_IT. I’m not so timid. My thoughts on pandemic revisionism, which is about the future as much as the past.
Pandemic Revisionism: Doctors Who Defend Dr. Scott Atlas Are Afraid to Accurately Quote Dr. Scott Atlas. I’m "There is an ongoing, competitive process of writing the history of the pandemic." This isn't just about the past. It's about the future.
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Can we just schedule another *Independence Day*? One where everyone cancels their New York Times and Washington Post subscriptions, all at once? Independence from Media Day
From the abstract: “Meaning This study provides clinical data suggesting that GLP-1RAs may reduce the risk of specific OACs compared with insulins.” This is positive and worrisome at the same time. Is there something wrong with the insulins being administered?
GLP-1 drugs and reduction of cancer Among ~1.6 million people w/ T2 diabetes, for GLP-1 drugs vs insulin Rx, there was less risk for 11 of the 13 cancers associated with obesity
Reposted byAvatar MKG
Sotomayor's dissent is chilling: "When [the president]...orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."
Each meeting room will now be equipped with a dedicated sleeping dart professional. Protocol: You make eyecontact with the pro, you point your eyes to the target, and fffffffffpt. Target down for nap.
I am beginning to fear that the reasonable decisions coming out of SCOTUS are the buffer for an awful Friday afternoon decision that will vaporize this Republic. I pray I am wrong.
Yes. Yes. Yes!
My personal pet peeve about phone and computer apps and the internet nowadays is that all the designers decided they hate skeuomorphism. Buttons should look like buttons god damn it. Words and X’es floating in the middle of nothing do not look like interactive elements.
Two weeks ago I began an experiment. I stopped taking notes by typing and I stopped using an incredible e-ink writing tablet. I began to write on paper, with pencil and different color pens. Today: my penmanship is legible again. I remember things vividly. It is transformative and awesome. 😊
Seriously? Here? Next person who argues that climate change is a hoax gets their teeth (assuming they have teeth), kicked in.
This is just another example why diversity of thought is so important to the species moving forward. Wow.
For 700 years, the Japanese have produced wood without cutting down trees using the daisugi technique. This pruning is like a giant bonsai, providing uniform, straight, knot-free wood perfect for construction. Daisugi ensures trees grow and germinate, offering wood for future generations.
I’m looking forward to the first Godzilla Minus One Maki.
Every sushi place's Godzilla roll is different from the last. I know this because I always order the Godzilla roll.
Unfortunately I can never unsee the abomination I witnessed first hand yesterday. Quite possibly a crime against humanity, technology, religion, engineering, physics, mathematics, and custom paint jobs. May the Gods pity our failings.
I have finally managed to get autocorrect to autocorrect properly and use “fuckery” instead of “duckery”. I am a cyber lord.
What if I make an Only Fans and it’s just me creatively yelling at people on Zoom meetings?
What if I make an Only Fans and it's s just me re-grouting your shower?
Excellent quote from a remarkably unique movie. 👇
Finally watching Godzilla Minus One. It's excellent. "Not having been to war is something to be proud of" is gonna be the line that sticks with me.
As much as I appreciate the statements #Apple made, I don’t trust until I verify. If Apple chooses to have a third party independently validate the security/privacy aspect of the new #AppleAI, and the jump points from inside the four walls to the outside, then I’ll be slightly more receptive.
Godzilla does not lose. - fin -