
Stephen Gregg
Stephen Gregg
Academic: 18thC literature, book history, critical digitization. Bath, UK.
claire m. l. bourne
claire m. l. bourne
¶ a figure of tollerable [sic] disorder ¶ plays & typography & handwriting in old books (vide milton reads shakespeare) ¶ editrix ¶ elder-cat mom ¶ she|her|hers ¶ all opinions my own ¶
The Players’ Aid
The Players’ Aid
Talking Points Memo (TPM) is an independent news organization that publishes reporting and analysis about American politics, public policy and political culture.
Kelsey Atherton
Kelsey Atherton
War, robots, & bad futures but imagining better. EIC, International Policy Journal, opinions my own. Unitarian Universalist. He/him. Husband to & father to a baby.

If you are going to hang out in my mentions please do not embarrass me.
Bret Devereaux
Bret Devereaux
Ancient & military historian specializing in the Roman economy and military. PhD from UNC History. More impressive credential is that I have beaten both Dark Souls and Elden Ring.

Blogs at
Duke University Press
Duke University Press
Disseminating knowledge—through the publication of printed books, periodicals, and electronic files—beyond the confines of the University's campus.
Aram Sinnreich
Aram Sinnreich
Writer, professor, musician.

The lesser ½ of @RASinn.
The lesser ½ of Dunia & Aram.
The lesser ⅛ of Comm Studies @ AU.

Brian Merchant
Brian Merchant
author of Blood in the Machine, tech writer, luddite

Michael Gavin
Michael Gavin
Professor of English and Digital Humanities at Univ South Carolina. Author of Literary Mathematics (Stanford UP). Quiet poster, usually. Website:
Judy Malloy
Judy Malloy
peot/writer electronic literature
Holly Brewer
Holly Brewer
Opinions my own
Stephen King
Stephen King
Paul Ford
Paul Ford
I check this maybe twice a week.
Sarah E. Bond
Sarah E. Bond
Enjoyer of reality tv, mayo, Rome

Assoc. Prof. of History at Iowa & contributor at Hyperallergic. Next Book: Strike: Labor, Unions & Resistance in the Roman Empire (YUP 2025)

Our newsletter, Pasts Imperfect, is here:
Internet Archive
Internet Archive
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering millions of free books, movies, & audio files, plus billions of saved web pages in the Wayback Machine.
Ian Williams
Ian Williams
PhD at UNC studying craft, games, and the miniatures industry. Former Vice wrestling guy. Labor, games, and soccer. Bylines at Jacobin, VICE, LARB, Paste, others.
Ellen Forget
Ellen Forget
Academic studying braille, print disabilities, and small-press publishing. Editor by trade, academic at heart. she/they. ocd & long-covid & cane user.
Steven Van Impe
Steven Van Impe
Book historian, rare books curator @[email protected]. Opinions mine. He/him. Used to be called @RareBookLibAntw on the previous site. I may be wrong. Profile pic by LUCID.
Joseph Howley
Joseph Howley
I’m an Associate Professor of Classics at Columbia University. I teach and study Latin, Roman stuff, book history stuff, and I’m involved in our gen-ed literature course, Literature Humanities. Be cool
Bellingcat is an independent investigative collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists brought together by a passion for open source research.
Want to support our charity?
Julie Park
Julie Park
Paterno Family Librarian for Literature & Professor of English at Penn State | Editor, Penn State Series in the History of the Book, PSU Press | My Dark Room 2023 @uchicagopress
Andrew Exum
Andrew Exum
Enthusiastic about Appalachia, bird dogs, a solid majority of my children, and 28-gauge shotguns. I sometimes write things here:
GMT Games
GMT Games
GMT Games is now in its 34th year of creating and publishing a broad line of Wargames, Strategy games, Eurogames, and Family games.
Fort Circle
Fort Circle
Publisher of historical board games.
ktb (minimally online era)
ktb (minimally online era)
Historian of science and technology. NixOS victim.

The Real Slim Sade
The Real Slim Sade
Erstwhile English/radio prof, ersatz policy guy. Media, fiction, Indigenous rights and reconciliation. Here for bad takes & worse jokes. Writing the Radio War, the Edinburgh Companion to Modernism & Technology, & DUBLINERS out now.
Matt Novak
Matt Novak
Tech reporter at Gizmodo. I’ve been writing about the history of futurism at since 2007.
Mercedes 🤦‍♀️ Bunz
Mercedes 🤦‍♀️ Bunz
Matt Seybold
Matt Seybold
Resident Scholar @ Center For Mark Twain Studies | Host, The American Vandal Podcast | Prof of American Literature & Mark Twain Studies + Director of Media Studies @ Elmira College | Lit & Econ

“The Guy Fieri of English Professors. But fatter.”
Will Mari
Will Mari
Media historian/dog/human dad/husband/flawed Christian/hiker/dancer
Dave Mazella
Dave Mazella
so how does this thing work? eighteenth-century scholar hiding away in Heatdome, TX. aspiring flaneur. street parliamentarian
Lisa Maruca
Lisa Maruca
English professor, book historian, SHARPist, tree hugger, dog lover, mom, cook, eater, hiker, reader. Not in that order.
David M. Berry
David M. Berry
Professor currently researching AI, algorithms, software and the university in a digital age. Part of a research team that recently rediscovered the original Joseph Weizenbaum ELIZA source code.
Anna Mills
Anna Mills
Writer, teacher, obsessed with AI, OER advocate.
Lincoln Michel
Lincoln Michel
Author and professor type person.

SF noir novel! 🤖🕵️‍♂️🧬

Brian Beutler
Brian Beutler
Off Message; Formerly: Crooked Media, TNR, Salon, TPM; Instagram: @babeutler;
Dan Cohen
Dan Cohen
Vice Provost/Dean/Professor at Northeastern University
benjamin wurgaft
benjamin wurgaft
writer, historian, appetite!
Edwardy Whitley
Edwardy Whitley
Whitman scholar, DH dabbler, Professor and Chair of Lehigh University English Department
Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, internet dog. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail.
Kieran Healy
Kieran Healy
Professor of Sociology at Duke University. /
Doug Eyman
Doug Eyman
Writing and Rhetoric faculty at GMU. Digital Rhetoric, Games/Gaming, Tech Comm. Wine and Chinese tea. Currently playing too much BG3.
Scott Rosenberg
Scott Rosenberg
Webbin' so long. Axios editor. Author of some tech books.
Tim Elfenbein
Tim Elfenbein
Principal of Forthcoming LLC, a publishing consultancy; Member of Limn editorial collective; Researcher & practitioner of scholarly publishing; Digital explorer–analog sailor; @timelfen on Mastodon & Twitter.
King's Wargaming
King's Wargaming
King's Wargaming Network: Advancing wargaming as a method of inquiry and as a method for learning and teaching. Based at King's College London, Department of War Studies.
International Kriegsspiel Society
International Kriegsspiel Society
Official Account International Kriegsspiel Society
Professional and Entertaining Wargaming
Signatory of the Derby House Principles for Inclusivity in Wargaming

IKS Discord:
Noah Wardrip-Fruin
Noah Wardrip-Fruin
UC Santa Cruz professor; Expressive Intelligence Studio co-director; makes/studies games, elit, AI, etc; parent; Quaker; Henson/Muppet fan; disabled; he/him

New book on Animal Crossing: New Horizons coming Fall 2025, in the U Chicago Press Replay series