Ian Williams

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Ian Williams


PhD at UNC studying craft, games, and the miniatures industry. Former Vice wrestling guy. Labor, games, and soccer. Bylines at Jacobin, VICE, LARB, Paste, others.
I hardly think you need to be a fashion plate (I'm not) but John Cena coming out in his late 40s dressed in his jorts and color saturated t-shirts looks so funny.
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"We can't be bothered to teach it to you but you should definitely bother to learn it" Boy I dunno if that approach is going to work with children or really immature young adults whose motivation for anything academic is either weak and conditional or nonexistent.
My buddy ate six fiber gummies all at once and he's been farting uncontrollably for hours while periodically screaming you can't have too much of a good thing.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
This is why I'm just enjoying the wild ride that is post end of history history
but this is why i still have no idea what he should do! bsky.app/profile/bloo...
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
The unity candidate we need is Jacob Frey
A little birthday Frostgrave
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
"[T]he fight against data centers and the generative AI tools they power is gearing up to be essential to determine who gets to chart our social and technological future." Fellow educators and students, let's develop a Luddite praxis and join this fight!
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
by no means prevent all communications
Everyone dumps on the Frankfurts until they need them (the people aren't concerned with Biden's age it's the mass media injecting the narrative MK ULTRA style into a bunch of dupes)
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
🎶 I don’t practice Santeria… 🎶
I don't care who's on the ticket in the end but there is some serious unskewing the polls energy around both the leaked polls yesterday and the NYT poll today.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
US foreign policy in 1990.
now that the creature was dead, some vague dissatisfaction, or impatience, or despair, seemed working in him
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
Pick one out boys! You deserve it! Happy 40th birthday midlife crisis to Zen Arcade, the double album released by Hüsker Dü on this day, July 3, in 1984.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
Things are going very well when we've reached the "Don't worry, the military won't obey orders to kill civilians" stage of democratic backsliding. It's the sweet spot, where good things happen. Right where we want to be.
GARETH SOUTHGATE: See, lads, this is what happens when you attack.
That's one of the most bananas saves in a high pressure situation I've ever seen
When my Crohn's is flaring
strange subterranean commotions
I'm torn. On the one hand, Turkey is run by fascists, are less fun than Austria, and their fans throw things at opposing players. On the other, Arnautovic plays for Austria.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Williams
Can't believe JD Vance is going to be caudillo in 2029
Boy if those leaked internal polling numbers are true and if Hunter is sitting in on meetings while his aides freak out then yeah he's gotta go.