
What's the biggest example of the domino meme in my life? I'm gonna have to go with "I got bored on the sleepy overnight shift at the data center -> Russia invaded Ukraine".
Struggled to think of something that fit... most of the cause/effect stuff in my life has been pretty straightforward. I think: AOL Chat Room -> owning a champion schipperke.
So this is in no way your fault but! You getting bored on an overnignt shift is also very likely why I can’t ever travel to Russia. I wrote a paper on the DDoS attacks, and yeah. Wild world.
Hey! High five of "I check which international air space a flight is flying through, just in case, because I have told the FSB to fuck off enough times it's a good idea to never let me or my devices anywhere near Russian control"!
I had a harrowing experience in a Moscow airport on a layover before I connected the dots. Never again. On my end it’s weird cause I was on LJ for Japanese street fashion and annoyed I couldn’t look at our biggest swap groups during the DDoS. 🙃
I just have enough Russian users that the FSB tries to get me to cough up information on regularly enough that I will never let me or an electronic device I've ever owned fall into their sphere of control
Also, yes, those DDoSes were fascinating. When you had the backend info, you could literally anticipate major events in Russian politics by about an hour. Once we had a ramp-up and were like "Putin is about to have a bad day" and then nothing happened, so we thought our bellwether was broken.
Turned out we learned that Putin had a bad day like five days later; they'd just managed to keep news from making it out of Russia.