
Great piece by (who's new book is excellent) responding to the nonsense cinematic universe created by the Twitter Files Boys, in which she is apparently some sort of CIA censorship mastermind.
One private individual stating their opinion about another individual's speech ("This is misinformation") is censorship. Having the government threaten to arrest teachers and librarians for allowing access to unapproved books is FREEDOM. It is bind-moggling people believe this, but, they do.
goddamn it will never stop being indescribably disappointing that so. many. people. will happily destroy innumerable lives to make a little more money. these creeps and grifters at the top aren't even True Believers™️, they're just shrewd amoral capitalists who place zero value on human life.
they're also deepy, deeply angry and resentful that they did not become paragons of elite media society.
Is the CIA in the room with us? 🤣