
I mean, 10 years ago NYC *lifted* its previously enacted ban on cellphones, noting that it was a disaster. The then chancellor schools said NOT banning phones in schools was "common sense."
Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña to Lift School Cell Phone
and (as you know) if one clicks through to the actual study described in the article ryan linked, the outcomes are not at all what's described in the article. disappointingly but unsurprisingly
They are? If any there isn't really a smoking gun when it was still a quasi-experiment (also.. maybe I'm grasping at straws but I'm catching small glimpses of the Norwegian 2017 election map in the colors of Figure A3) Tho the funniest thing is that boys are supposedly too dumb to register effects.
Putting aside that you should never EVER get your science facts from normal news outlets, the paper behind actually says that girls (particularly from low socioeconomic backgrounds) are the main if not only drivers of the purported phenomenon. So poor schools should see a night and day difference.
I'm not making any claims that I think phone bans are good or bad, but the app and social media ecosystem has changed a good bit since 2014, so it's worth keeping the shifting nature of the landscape in mind, I think.
To me, tho, these bans seem more about adults being frustrated they have to keep changing their approaches, and they're trying to avoid the responsibility and extra work. And I get that, it's very tricky and complicated and not necessarily what you thought you were signing up for, but... tough
I went to public school in NYC. This is an effort to keep inappropriate behavior by the staff from being filmed and shared on social media, disguised as an effort to help the students.
Yea, this is a disaster waiting to happen. I guess I could see some kind of required parental software that blocked certain apps while at school, but it won't work.
My God, how I loathe that phrase. When does "common sense" ever not mean "I need to believe this, but I don't have any evidence to back it up"?
Let us not forget the parents that will encourage kids to ignore this rule, just in case of a shooting. So we teach the kids rules don't apply sometimes, & lying to authorities is okay sometimes.