Mike Nitabach

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Mike Nitabach


Professor of Physiology, of Genetics, and of Neuroscience at Yale School of Medicine; Amateur Perfumer. He/him & cis. 🧪🧪🧪
Just an FYI re: LW grieving over deceased "stepmother-in-law" (I think this means her husband's stepmother?): getting ANGREE at ppl who don't console yr grief properly is a totally standard diversion/defense mechanism to avoid direct confrontation w yr actual grief. wapo.st/4cHvpR5
Advice | Asking Eric: Warn friends that filmmaker soliciting funds is a grifter?wapo.st A filmmaker often fundraises movie budgets from his friends. Is he a scammer?
Frum is a fucking creep who avidly helped build the fucking monster that he now disavows, but this article is mostly right.
“Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic.“ #giftarticle
The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictatorwww.theatlantic.com Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.
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“Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic.“ #giftarticle
The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictatorwww.theatlantic.com Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.
It's unfortunate that Professional Dems don't have the ability (or desire?) to clearly & compellingly explain how his was the predictable outcome of GOP rhetoric & policy, and instead just go running scared with their tails between their legs terrified that right-wingers might yell at them.
I would simply refer everyone to what happened exactly two years ago today before you call the Tour de France over...
OK during all the mishegas I was fast asleep & having an unusual dream about one of my college girlfriends...
Remember that it is ALWAYS projection with personality-disordered motherfuckers & it is ALWAYS their own worst motives, statements & actions that they impute to others.
Can anyone explain to me why a passkey stored on your phone is a more secure login token than a one-time code from an authenticator app running on your phone?
My way of dealing w unsolicited input from strangers in public is to respond, "Oh, wow. Sorry, but I don't have conversations with strangers in public spaces." slate.com/advice/2024/...
I’m Tired of Hearing These Parenting “Tips” From Strangers on the Streetslate.com It's very invasive.
Holy shit this track in Paris really is fast not just for sprinting!!! New world record in the women's 1500!!!
Interesting seems like the Diamond League men's 3000 is being used by number of steeplechase & 5000 runners as pre-Olympic speedwork.
Looking from Diamond League Paris that the Olympic Track is faaaast!!!
I have been seated in some unusual table contexts at weddings/etc over the years & my practice has always been to assume it's bcs the deciders know I'm a friendly & easygoing person who will get along with anyone. wapo.st/3Lgwkf0
Advice | Asking Eric: Years later, I’m still upset about my table at my nephew’s weddingwapo.st This letter writer’s siblings sat together at the special family table at a wedding. And the writer sat with the cousins.
FYI: continuing to terrify your partner with dangerous driving & road-raging despite their desperate pleas to stop is a very common form of intimate partner abuse. wapo.st/3XZ2GCR
Advice | Asking Eric: Husband’s road rage is ruining our marriagewapo.st This husband’s road rage was so bad on vacation that the letter writer was left in tears and cut the trip short.
I have read every single fucking book on narcissists & how to deal with them.
I can't tell if it's foggy in NYC right now or it's residual smoke haze from the fireworks...
DNA test LW is interestingly concerned abt the relationship btwn her brother & her children w found nephew, but expresses zero explicit interest in contacting him herself... wapo.st/4bvjZOT
Advice | Asking Eric: Aunt wants to contact brother’s secret childwapo.st She’s debating saying something to her brother after DNA testing surfaced his secret child.
I'm obvs no Professional Political Pundit Expert but I'm not understanding why Harris's perceived weakness as a primary candidate in 2020 means she would be weak against the criminal in 2024 general?
These are both interesting letters & I think both LWs could use more ppl in their lives who are rooting for them & their life choices, fewer ppl who are sowing doubt. wapo.st/3VMzH2h
Advice | Asking Eric: Friends act like moving away is disappearingwapo.st Friends are being insensitive about this letter writer’s decision to move home and help care for their disabled brother.
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The judge called on me in family court Permanency Hearing on Friday to report on our court-ordered tasks as Court Appointed Special Advocates.
I am somewhat confused by the first answer, which OTOH suggests that LW deploy mechanisms to try to push the BF into "deciding" but OTOH correctly points out that you can't force other ppl into decisions they don't want to make. wapo.st/4buOYdZ
Advice | Asking Eric: Couple has very different ideas about their futurewapo.st This letter writer wants to cohabitate and consider parenthood. Their partner doesn’t know what they want out of life.
The judge called on me in family court Permanency Hearing on Friday to report on our court-ordered tasks as Court Appointed Special Advocates.
Refrigerator repair just charged us $700 to fix broken fan... Does that sound right?
I get that as a new advice columnist, you want to go easy on your LWs, but I OMG "I NEED GRANDCHILDREN FROM THIS BOY" mom is fucking deranged... wapo.st/3XI0YW3
Advice | Asking Eric: Mom wants her son to start dating again after a breakupwapo.st She wants her son to start dating again so he can give her grandchildren.