John Gerlach

John Gerlach

I've come to realize that in an election between Donald Trump and a 40 pound bag of pig crap, I wouldn't vote for Trump.
Feels great having a head coach making really positive changes with subs off the bench. Well done, Coach Ramsey! #MNUFC
Texas wildfires are natures response to their abhorent rules against women's control over their own bodies.
Reposted by John Gerlach
Reposted by John Gerlach
Roses are red, But that's not quite true, They absorb every wavelength of the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, *Except* for that hue.
Reposted by John Gerlach
He’s right, you know.
Reposted by John Gerlach
we’re 5 DAYS into 2024 & *125* anti-trans bills have been filed across the US. do cis people know this map? this is risk for *adult* trans people across america. FL is already “do not travel.” i must have a few cis followers. please share this. consider if you could live in a country like this. We’re setting up a “short notice” Cuzzy’s breakfast tomorrow. 8:15ish, have something unhealthy to close out 2023. 😎
Reposted by John Gerlach
Reposted by John Gerlach
Happy Thanksgiving. Greenwich Village, NYC, St John’s on Christopher St
Reposted by John Gerlach
Anyone who wants this back in the White House doesn’t understand the true danger of one-man, authoritarian rule.
Reposted by John Gerlach
Please read this warning. Become familiar with the threats and the language. This is a flashing warning sign for our democracy. The alarm is being raised not just by me but from many historians and civil rights leaders who understand the danger we are in.
Reposted by John Gerlach
Reposted by John Gerlach
Oh myyy, this is too good not to share!
End of feed.