MOAR grits, please!

MOAR grits, please!

All about cats, critters, good wine, and joy.
I was told this afternoon, in the tiniest kitty meows, there is a law set long ago regarding the feeding of cats. According to this ancient law, if the sun is not shining it is means the world is ending. That being the case, cats must be fed on demand because the world might end before dinner time.
Janet Yeltsin is rocking one of gray haired ladies' perfect haircut. She needs to put that artist on permanent retainer.
We need an app that shows Bowen Yang's sketches, and Bowen Gang's sketches only.
Peeps, I need some help on how to get the attention of Hulu. I've repeatedly asked for a reset of my password since they tell me my password is not correct. Today, I WAS DENIED THE PUPPY BOWL because their customer service appears to be nonexistent. I just want to stop paying for ESPN.
Folks, there are so many things that annoy me. But the thing that drives me up the wall are scratchy labels on the left seam of garments. The labels destroy my enjoyment of the garment.
Laptop and tablet crashing on the same weekend. Pricey weekend. Fingers crossed to make it through.
Our Flag Means Death is among the best television series ever! I applaud at the end of every episode.
Victoria Beckham is the epitome of class. She hasn't posted the giant apology bouquets and gift baskets she received after #Beckham aired on Netflix.
Block account is back, just in time!
Hey, guys. Am I alone in getting mysterious followers who have nothing in common with me? Like, to the point I question their participation in reality.
Guise, I'm really getting frustrated looking for an alarm app that has pleasant (not electronic) tones. I need to wake up much earlier than my body thinks I should. I love all music, I just need something peppy!
So, I spent my Sunday morning looking for more accounts to follow. My process is looking for people who are clever and amusing, then I check their account to see if they are consistently clever and amusing. If they are, I follow. Thanks to the clever, amusing people who followed me back!
Hello, beautiful sky friends. My soul sister is dealing with an incredible amount of stress and pain. Add to that, her 15yr old cat is ready to cross the rainbow bridge. I have volunteered to perform the actual transition, allowing her to goodbye without being present. 1/2
End of feed.