Harvey J. Miller

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Harvey J. Miller


Sustainable mobility scholar and practitioner

Reusche Chair in GIS, Professor of Geography and Director, CURA, The Ohio State University. https://u.osu.edu/miller.81/

“Generally friendly if you get him talking about bikes" - RateMyProfessor
Learning about the rail renaissance in America at the 2024 All Aboard Ohio annual meeting
Is it appropriate for a full Professor to strip down and run through the sprinklers? Asking for a friend.
Putting a bike trail through a town is like creating a fountain of money for anyone who serves food or beer. People in lycra come, spend money, and pedal away. (Millersburg Brewing Company, Millersburg OH, on the Ohio to Erie Trail. The food is really good, BTW!)
OSU CURA is in the house for the 2024 CaGIS-UCGIS symposium!
ACTION ALERT: The City of Columbus' proposed bike plan once again avoids placing protected bike infrastructure on Neil Ave south of OSU, instead opting for longer, torturous detours. It is past time for a bike lane on Neil. Make your voice known here: tooledesign.github.io/Columbus_Bik...
Dr. Virginia Burkett (Chief Scientist for Climate and Land Use Change, International Programs, USGS) is giving a masterclass on the climate emergency at the 2024 CaGIS-UCGIS symposium at Ohio State University. It’s real, and it’s our fault, and we are the solution
Yes! More of this, Columbus!
Sharing our work on 3D urban modeling of historical Black neighborhoods harmed by urban highways at the 2024 Columbus Landmarks Foundation conference
“Obsolete” eh? We would love to still have them today
This tracks with me. Gift article (no paywall): The most popular, obscure, Democratic, Republican and hated music in America wapo.st/3UwjXj7
"Finally, the whistleblower we’ve all been waiting for!" - Jeff Speck, FAICP, author of 'Walkable City' and 'Walkable City Rules' (Minor quibble with the title - the science is clear. Its the engineering that is wrong.)
A retiring professor from another university who spent some time at Ohio State sent me a box of old hand me downs, including this beautiful 1956 map of Ohio landforms. Hand-etched, back before the days when GIS made us weak and lazy.
Anything Elon Musk Can Do a Bus Can Do Better: Tesla’s layoffs have thrown a wrench in the green car narrative. Let’s fund public transit instead. newrepublic.com/article/1807....
Looking forward to the OSU Center for Urban and Regional Analysis + Research Commons summer webinar series on Maps From the Past. More info and registration: cura.osu.edu/events
Way to stick the landing at the end of the article “Why Did Cars Get So Expensive?” www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archiv...
Aren’t they all? Men… (Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, The Ohio State University)
Look at it just shining as if nothing happened earlier.
The I-70/71 megaproject in Columbus. $1.4 billion for two miles of highway. And look what we are getting, next to a river and a metro park.
Cagers got to be told not to call emergency services when they cause traffic
The Arts and Sciences College @ The OSU sent a nifty student-designed guide to the eclipse and two eclipse glasses. Let’s hope we can use these. (Looking in your direction, clouds.)
OSU’s Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA) went to the Driving Park branch of Columbus Metropolitan Library to discuss our Ghost Neighborhoods of Columbus with community members and students from the Rickenbacker Woods Foundation See u.osu.edu/miller.81/20...
Traffic engineering failure. It’s bad enough pedestrians have to cross four one-way lanes of high speed traffic without a signal. Why oh why would you put that crossing downstream of an intersection so pedestrians also have to worry about left and right hooks? Summit St and Fourth Ave, Columbus, OH
Damn that is a mighty fine reply!