
Some say the wind isn’t a reliable source of energy in New Zealand. The wind:
Why does everyone insist the one way to garner sustainable energy isn't reliable. Wind doesn't always work, nor solar or hydro, but collectively they do provide sufficient power and at the very least, heavily subsidise fossil fuel use.
Theres also the less conventional power plants. Tidal generators are kinda cool. Geothermal That weird algae one thats kinda like solar, Helioculture. Space lasers! of course nuclear. We have so many options and we should be using all of them
And more to discover I'm sure. I was a fan of nuclear in the 90s but after I learnt about geological repositories for nuclear waste, I'd like to see their reliance phased out too.
supposedly they are using above ground storage facilities now because it can be recycled later. least thats what ive heard. dont know how true it is.
Recycling nuclear waste is a step forward but few countries have adopted the practice. There's still too much money to be made in the mining process before resorting to reuse. Still, there's hope for the future that it's a consideration.