
Because my dog loves childrenso much, I’m looking into getting him certified as a therapy dog so he can visit hospitals or schools etc. Have any of you done this and do you have any advice? I’m going to call a few local hospitals to see if they have specific programs he needs to graduate.
Never had a dog that liked kids. Canelo sees a kid and 😍😍😍😍. Feels too rare a gift not to put to good use.
This has nothing to do with my dog parenting. My last two dogs could not handle young kids. One was annoyed and one was terrified.
How did young kids react to them?
My Tessa was so sweet and gentle that the vet recommended she become a therapy dog when she was a puppy. Some are just born to it.
I was walking my loaner labrador in a state park and a school field trip was on the same path. He was SO OFFENDED that the staff wouldn't let the kids pet him. He loves kids and tolerates anything from them!
Yes that’s how Canelo act when people don’t pet him. OFFENDED.
There he was sitting calmly with his best labrador smile, wagging his tail and being the bestest boy and none of those 60 kids were allowed to come over and pet him. So rude. πŸ˜‚
I did this with my dog at a local hospital. If you contact the volunteer coordinator there, they should information about how to get certified. Dynamo was a happy dog.
My last one was known for "the first dog this dog-wary child ever approached and petted" and "the first dog who got this frightened, over-reactive, new rescue dog to relax, interact and play a bit." And he himself was new to walking freely, living in a house, meeting strangers. I loved him so.
It wouldn’t have surprised me at all if Canelo was neurotic AF. He had been homeless in Tijuana with a shattered leg when I got him. No clue what he went through as a street dog. But he’s the happiest, sweetest dog I wish I could take β€œcredit” but so much of temperament is down to just how they are