
I keep thinking about the beginning of this Jewish Currents article over and over again
So, these people have valid fears that a horrendous atrocity committed against one German minority group might also happen against them, an immigrated minority group... and the response to them is "Go back to your own country then"? Talk about cold, callous, and disgusting.
But “they learned so much from their history”
While it is true that octopi have been used as antisemitic symbolism, it's one of the more obscure antisemitic symbols. She posted it not knowing that potential meaning, learned and realized the issue, and fixed it by deleting the original and reposting an edited version. Learning is a good thing.
Also, Free Palestine from the genocidal regime that is running the state of Isreal. The Jewish people are innocent. The Israeli state and IDF are not. Hamas is evil, but a natural consequence of 75 years of violent genocide against Palestinians. Isreal, the state not the people, are the aggressors.
That’s the most German reaction I could imagine.
You should see how mad they are about the chant “free Palestine from German guilt”
Why learn from the past when you can simply weaponize guilt and use it to repeat the same shit you claim to be so repentant for? Apparently it’s always better to cosplay as a tolerant and compassionate human being than to actually be one.
I keep having to put my phone down and breathe a bit between paragraphs, because otherwise I'll just spin out
It’s sums up the whole situation so well but doesn’t make it any less infuriating
It's helping me contextualise things I've experienced here in the last years or so as antisemitic, where I would have brushed it off before, because it didn't include a slur or explicit aggression, and hoo boy
FWIW, the Wannsee Conference House connects the dehumanization of the Jews in the 1930s to anti-migrant rhetoric today. The less sacralized spaces in Germany are good like that. The more sacralized ones, like the concrete column memorial (most pushed by Germany's Rachel Dolezal), are the worst ones.
That is rather weird! Huh? It seems a good thing to see you could be either a perpetrator or a victim—to see the problem is not fixed in one moment in history or one group’s problem alone. So is the idea that you can *only* see yourself as a perpetrator? Or it depends on group identity? Don’t get it
They just focus on this repentant guilt and have no way to apply it to current situations
That is quite an astounding revelation of the mindset. It's one-dimensional. It's as if it's completely devoid of extrapolation to other circumstances or experiences.
this is us and it's very frustrating these women ask a good question it's one we need to answer and are in the infancy of getting there I'm sorry they were met with such hate for understanding the issue better than the grandchildren of WWII era Germans
Really hate the view options on this, but HOLY that story is nuts.
If there's one thing Turks are known for, it's admitting culpability in genocide
As an immigrant to the U.S. and former congressional candidate smeared by racist Democrats when challenging bipartisan Pentagon corruption, this was fascinating to read America lacks Germany’s commitment to anti-fascism and routinely weaponizes racism to dismiss immigrant voices.
The article mentions Vergangenheitsbewältigung, and it made me think of the line from Primo Levi about that expression: “‘distortion of the past’ or ‘violence done to the past’ would not stray very far from its profound meaning.”