
If I'm Nikki Haley, I am staying in the race for the long term because Trump could easily be forced out due to a Federal Court conviction along the way. I would imagine Nikki would be the default candidate at that point.
Trump also seems in genuinely poor health, and he's under a ton of stress. I think Haley is staying in hoping he drops dead or has a debilitating medical thing happen, and it doesn't seem like the worst way for her to spend 2024
Trump's not going to go to jail, all of the nonsense is to Damage Trump enough Politically so he can't run again. I don't think Trump will be convicted of anything that will force him to withdraw either, that's just the endgame of the Democrats.
This is true but please remember how misogynist the GOP is, even the women. There is no way they would allow her to become a serious candidate for the White House.