
I don't get it. Could someone explain the joke to me ?
some helpful information is that it's the trolley problem, and usually there's a lever that changes which track the trolley goes down to kill people. The red and blue trolleys are self explanatory.
Yes, I am a little familiar with the trolley problem, and I was familiar enough with US politics to suspect the colors were related to the main polotical parties there. Still failing to understand the joke.
Perhaps you'd like to have a political conversation.
Perhaps I'd enjoy having one. But I was mainly reacting to a confusing picture in my timeline and was hoping someone could explain it to me, thinking that there was a possibility I was missing something.
If you don't want to do that, I can respect that, and I'll end it right here if that's the case.
Of course I don't want to do that. But hey maybe someone else will.
Hi autistic US person here so I get the lack of understanding. Blue for Dems Red for Republicans Either 'choice' is gonna result in a buncha dead folks. Lack of lever indicates no real choice, bc both parties choices end marginalized lives, but slower w Dems in 'power' @ national lvl.
Our safety nets here are at local and state levels, but there's a lot of suppression and nonsense like electoral collage & gerrymandering (drawing districts wildly wonky to favor a party that otherwise wouldn't win there) that make it easier for those in power @ national levels to stay there.
My guess would be the 'vote (color)!' folks who argue the solution to any nuanced social issue is "instead of complaining, just & vote blindly for (color)!" @ folks whose issues no available candidate will help with instead of helping push for a candidate who would actually represent us & our needs?