ᠮᠥᠩᠬᠡ ᠨᠠᠷᠠᠨ / Mönhnaran Bayar

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ᠮᠥᠩᠬᠡ ᠨᠠᠷᠠᠨ / Mönhnaran Bayar


Interest: religion, order, ontosec in/around Inner Asia
A renowned Morin Khuur player and composer Chi Bulag at the opening ceremony of the Naadam festival in Xilin hot of Inner Mongolia.
Bhutanese Royal family is visiting Mongolia during these days. As part of the visit, the King, Queen and their two sons paid a visit to the Gandantegchinlen monastery.
HH 10th Bogd Jebtsundamba Khutughtu and HH 14th Dalai Lama. Mongolian and Tibetan Buddhism are so deeply intertwined that it impossible to even try to draw a line b/n the two. In fact it is the two sides of the same coin, that gave birth to many empires and states across the region for centuries.
Baruun Khuree aka Shankh Monastery, built in 1647 for the 13th birthday of the 1st Jebtsendamba Khutuktu - Zanabazar, the son Chinggisid Prince of Tusheet Khan Gombodorji's. The monastery houses the original flag of Bogd Khanate (1911) Mongolia.
Blessing your timeline with the newest picture of His Holiness 10th Bogd Jebtsundamba Khutughtu with his teacher Jhado Rinpoche.
The Chinese reads Daqing 大清; it looks like "Great Qing (=Clear) [State]" But Manchu reads: Amba (=great) Daicing Gurun (=state). This is not "Great Great Qing"; Daicing comes from Mongol Dayičing, 'Warrior.' Chinese Daqing matches the phonetics with different semantics! 1/4
This 1905 letter of credence by the Qing gov't to King Edward II is bilingual - left Manchu; right Chinese. The background colours correspond to the ROC Beiyang ('Chinese Pride') flag: Yellow for Manchu; Red for Han. (h/t to Jargal Badagarov for noticing!)
The "Chinggis Khan: How Mongols changed the World" exhibit from the Nantes's Museum of History is coming to Ulaanbaatar. e.g. items such as the original letter of Oljeitu to Philippe IV. gogo.mn/r/8870j
Really happy about Mongolia's parliamentary election results. Despite the electoral autocracy of MPP skewing the system in their favour 65% of voters didnt vote for the MPP bringing a strong & diverse opposition into the Grand Khural. Democratic backsliding can & must be stopped with this.
Mongolia opens an embassy in Tashkent, during the 1st ever Presidential visit to Uzbekistan. PS. If in their national narrative Mongolia is unequivocally Chinggisid, Uzbekistan on the other hand chose to present itself as "Timurid" eventhough the roots of the Shaybanid Uzbeks are Chinggisid.
8th Arja Rinpoche, the reincarnation of the Gelug school's founder Je Tsonkhapa's Mongolian father & the Abbot of the Kumbum monastery, greeting HH the 14th Dalai Lama in the United States.
Kazakhstan is obsessed with finding the right narrative about its Chinggisid heritage. In particular, this is evident from the desire to "Kazakhify" the Ulus of Jochi & the celebration of its 800th anniversary. Sharing KazInform's article on the Mausoleum of Jochi. en.inform.kz/news/mausole...
Chair of the State Commission on Rehabilitation Odontuya Saldan (right) at the memorial of the victims of political repression. Love the composition - Golden Soyombo inside the deel - really speaks to the spectre of the crime, - a crime against the whole Mongolian nation & its identity.
Japanese Nichinren-shu delegation visiting Gandantegchinlen monastery today. Definitely good sign of expanding foreign relations of Mongolian Buddhist establishment.
New addition to Chinggis Khan museum. 1940 "Voices of Asia" vinyl record from Japan, containing 3 songs, including the "The Praise of Chinggis Khan" performed by a musicians under De Wang Demchindongrov's Mendjiang government in Inner Mongolia. gogo.mn/r/qy3do
New addition to the Chinggis Khan museum's permanent expo. A golden saddle with double phoenix on the front pommel dating to 13/14th century found in a Mongol noblewoman's tomb.
Gandantegchinlen monastery's FB page's background. Published on Dec 28 in anticipation of the 1911 declaration of independence from the Manchu DaiQing gurun. Features the 8th Bogd Jebtsundamba Khutughtu with words "There is no way to EXIST, other than to become INDEPENDENT".
Always wanted to write a piece featuring "Ezen san", an 18th-century worship song dedicated to Chinggis Khan. So here it is, a story of how the Chinggis worship, both in its Buddhist and Shamistic forms, is slowly re-integrating into the cultural memory of Mongolia. mekongreview.com/chinggis-wor...
Chinggis worship - Mekong Reviewmekongreview.com The transnational reproduction of Chinggis worship in Mongolia is part of a concerted effort to bring back an identity-defining practice.
In Xiongnu: The World’s First Nomadic Empire (Oxford UP, 2024), Bryan K. Miller weaves together archaeology and history to chart the course of the Xiongnu empire. newbooksnetwork.com/xiongnu
Bryan K. Miller, "Xiongnu: The World's First Nomadic Empire" (Oxford UP, 2024) - New Books Networknewbooksnetwork.com
Happy birthday to His Holiness the 10th Bogd Jebtsundamba Khutughtu.
Lovely new photos of His Holiness the 10th Jebtsundamba Khutuktu aka Bogd Gegeen both embracing the Buddhist teachings and leading an ordinary Mongolian primary school boy life among his peers.
İlkhan Oljeitu's edict (jarlig) about taxation on the wall of Baku's friday mosque inside Içerişehir. Early 14th C.
Le cas des Mongols et de la pseudo-dynastie Yuan 元 n’est pas isolé. Il trouve en fait un exact parallèle dans celui de leurs prédécesseurs, les Khitan, et de la dynastie qu'ils auraient soi-disant fondée en Chine du Nord, les Liao 遼. Là encore, c'est plus complexe. 🧶1/24
Les Mongols ont conquis la Chine, mais la Chine aurait conquis ses farouches vainqueurs. Preuve en serait la fondation des Yuan, incorporant les Mongols à la longue succession des dynasties chinoises, des Xia jusqu'aux Qing. Mais y a-t-il vraiment une dynastie Yuan ? Un fil. 🧶 1 (1/1)
Dunno where I found it, but here is a photo of Muhammad Ali and Geshe Wangyal (the Kalmyk Mongolian lama who introduced Tibetan Buddhism to America).
Mongolian students sent to Germany to study, on the doorsteps of Datsan Gunzechoinoi Buddhist Temple, St.Petersburg, while waiting for their visa. May 1926. Many would be repressed later on, but this group also has a generation of many well-known intellectuals.
Mongolian National Broadcaster prepared a 4-part series on the history of Ilkhanid Anatolia. Seems a lot of not well-known details will feature, inc mummies of Mongol nobility, memorial of historic battle, madrasas & bridges etc. Will post more once they are aired. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU4p...
"Ил хаадын нутгаар" тун удахгүй...www.youtube.com "Ил хаадын нутгаар" тун удахгүй...▶️Follow MNB Official Pages:Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MNB1TV/Homepage: https://www.mnb.mnFacebook: https://www....
Mongolian Sumo wrestlers inc Yokozuna Terunofuji, Ozeki Kirishima & Ozeki Hoshoryu at this year's Joryuji Temple's memorial ceremony marking the 750th anniversary of the Japanese beheading of Yuan Empire's envoys, which caused the 2nd Mongol invasion of Japan. 12/04/2024 - Enoshima, Kanagawa.
Venerable Burhanchi Lama G.Purevbat (1965-2024) 1) Purevbat drawing the eyes of Migjid Janraisig in 1996 2) Presenting his thangka of Vajrapani w Chinggis, Ogedei & Kubilai to the president 3) Chinggis Khan worship portrait by Purevbat 4) Receiving Prince Claus award
The other, lesser known Chinggis Khan temple of Inner Mongolia in Ulanhot. Constructed w/ local population's donations during early 1940s under the "eyes" of Japanese, the Ordos shrine was being planned to be moved here. The permanent structure of the Ordos mausoleum was designed after this one.