
I do think Dem strategists fucked up by not having an army of surrogates ready to roll onto the airwaves. No one knows what a criminal conviction of a presidential candidate means. There are no familiar media grooves. The vibes firmament is still warm and malleable and now is the time to hammer it.
I'd genuinely like to see data on this. Maybe I'm in a media bubble. I've just seen Raskin and Mary Trump on MSNBC. Are you thinking we need a dem equivalent of Lindsey Graham on more mainstream outlets?
I wouldn't turn down a couple Dem Lindsey's spitting Dem Juche. For this one time special event though, I don't even think you need higher ups like that. You just need firebrands who'll say "this is terrible for him. The RNC should be asking him to drop. voters will hate this". C-listers will do.
I'm interested to see who's on MSM tomorrow morning. Morning Joe will be all over it, but the standard morning shows will be the ones to watch. OTOH, i think this cake is baked. There will be ~15% movement among undecideds and older Trump leaners.
Yeah, I think the smart plan would've had the shock troops ready to roll, or already squatting on the verdict watch panels, but there's still this weekend to get the vibe out that "no, it wasn't rigged, and this is off the charts bad. he crimed in the 2016 election and tried to cover it up".
The actual outcome in the polls will be what they may, but I've been convinced of the Stancil vibe gestalt theory of the media. They're currently looking for the cues to decide "this is massively damaging" vs "it's nothingburger" and literally just repeating the first could tip the scales.