
You can't even manage a polycule for 3 weeks how tf you gonna manage a revolution?? just send mutual aid funds and keep shitposting like you do
People on here are like “ I wanna start a a queer commune and live off the land in the mountains in the pnw 🥺” like babe you called your roommate bug 🐛🐞🌱 an abuser because they didn’t do the dishes also your succulent is dying
There was a video, I think it was Maggie Mae Fish? But she talked about how the whole "live off the grid, live off your land" idea isn't feasible and is essentially a big grift.
It’s possible if you’re wealthy but more often than not yeah it’s just a huge grift to convince poor people they shouldn’t want to own a house and should just be happy living in a van
80% of those homesteading lifestyle influencers are fake and selling an aesthetic that was only ever available to people with access to cheap labor (read: European nobles and American slave owners) historically.
Oh it's feasible. However, it's definitely nothing like what's presented in various YouTube videos. It takes either a lot of time, effort, funding, know-how, or some combination of the above, to make it work.
The Sutton House, for example, was built for around $4.5M. Out of that $1M went to implementing various green systems, such as rainwater, gray water, and black waste treatment systems. On top of that $4.5M was another $1M just in consulting and architectural fees. That's before land costs too.
Even with all of that capital, though, it's not an entirely off-grid house. It cannot, for instance, generate all of the power that is needed for the house in the winter months. There's also no thought given to truly living off the land and growing food.
Doing all of that would have, likely, almost doubled the entire budget.
What's really cool about the house, though, is that it brings the discussion of sustainable living to the foreground and shows that it's feasible. The house also will, hopefully, spur others to start thinking about sustainability and implementing it in future housing.
For instance, I'd really like to see it be the poster child for more passive water collection, particularly for irrigation, in future houses. It'd help reduce the strain on our water systems, especially in states where water usage is out of whack with the ability to replenish aquifers.
"Ugh I don't have the spoons to share the sheep. I'll do it later" Said sheep:
actual footage of me, sick, pre-shower and shear
revolutionary LARPer who can't cook pasta without starting a fire
Revolutionize that damn microwave, the 8 month old exploded tomato sauce done ate though the metal now y'all got acute radiation sickness
How you gonna start a revolution if your favorite cartoon that is clearly targeted for children gets canceled and taken off streaming?
Portland trustfunders with a monosyllabic noun for a name who want to larp as Sandinistas reading this:
Got 500k in the bank and let ya friends starve, and still cant bother to wash the dishes
"Oh, but I didn't make that money myself, that makes me working class." (They don't have a job)