
I put it off for 13 years, but I finally installed the bike rack I bought for our house. Actual install took like 30 min.
I have a second, and I’m contemplating putting it on my boulevard. But I’m a bit nervous it’s gonna fill up with Lime bikes that seem to constantly float into our yard.
i lived in san jose for 5 years and lime scooters were *everywhere*. to the point that locals were taking them up by alum rock park (a huge park going into the mountains) and dumping them into water filled ditches still sad i didn't snag one of those, could have ripped the GPS off
I definitely see people using them to close gaps in transit; there’s one person on my block who clearly takes one to the LRT and then home again after work. So I am glad they exist! But they keep getting dumped on my lawn or parked on my sidewalk and it’s annoying.
You have to take a photo showing it parked to end your trip, and is Lime just like - blocking the whole-ass sidewalk, seems fine. End trip.
yeah in san jose they were starting to block so much of the sidewalks and streets people were just starting to freak out. i think it's a great idea overall, but they put way too many of them out lol
we had a techie roommate who was a complete dumbass and he decided to bring a lime scooter into our garage to charge it cuz he wanted to use it the next day. it started screeching and some real burly lookin dudes started hanging out around the garage cuz they came to get it it was like mob dudes
I do love that if I try to move them they scream at me. Really fun design.