Jessi Ross

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Jessi Ross

Generalist indie #gamedev! Previous work includes:

❤️ Tin Hearts VR (QA/Design)
☠️ Slayaway Camp II: Netflix & Kill (Design)
🍄 Cordychosis (Solo Dev)

she/her - posts about Furbies a lot
Look I've got a lot of problems in my life right now but at least this game is about to solve *one* of them
I'm not saying you can fuck a couch in the game, mostly because I havent seen the design docs for over a year, but I'd wager it's not *impossible* that you can have an *intense romantic relationship* with a couch. The way JD Vance did.
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I'm not saying you can fuck a couch in the game, mostly because I havent seen the design docs for over a year, but I'd wager it's not *impossible* that you can have an *intense romantic relationship* with a couch. The way JD Vance did.
I wonder how many people are going to immediately get this specifically to fuck a couch 😂 The way JD Vance did.
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Full solidarity to the voice actors, who once again are taking the lead (and the hit) on ensuring expanding creative protections in games. Good for them, and good for devs.
video game performers and voice actors represented by sag-aftra are going on strike over AI. this follows 18 months of unsuccessful negotiations with companies like activision, epic, and EA
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SPEAKING OF FUCKING COUCHES, the game I did some UI concepts for back at the end of 2022/start of 2023 just got announced! Date all of the furniture you desire, and pretty much everything else in the house too.
Date Everything | Announcement Welcome to Date Everything! A cheeky, wildy interactive, new dating sim from familiar voice actors turned developers Ray Chase, Robbie Daymond, Max Mittelman...
Time to up my foot-drawing game
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I made SkateBIRD a few years ago! Now I'm workin on somethin NEW and it has animal people
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hello! i made this short visual novel about living with agoraphobia and panic attacks last year. it’s not a traditional “fun” game, but i’m happy with how it turned out. thank you for checking it out!
outside by an interactive fiction project about agoraphobia and panic disorder. Available for Windows, macOS
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Working on a racing game called "Tahitian Dreamin," which is inspired by F-Zero and Wipeout, with just a twist of Outrun!
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Working on a point-and-click visual novel called Camera Anima! It's about trying to save your twin sister from a soul-stealing automaton Steam and links on our page:
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Instead of on Twitter - let's try this here & see if it works by now. If you're developing a game, or released one: reply with the title, description, screenshots, and/or a link. Doesn't matter what stage of development you're in. Then repost this, and let's see what cool stuff we're all making.
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if you want a print or a comic from me now would be a great time to grab one! every dollar goes toward me sleeping tonight 😌 Comics: Prints: Patreon:
at some point i'm going to have to contend with the fact that i don't currently have enough money to pay september rent and the last part of my advance isn't coming in till after september 15th. at some point. maybe not today. but maybe tonight at 4am
Okay I really like Darkest Dungeon 2. I feel like I understand the depth of the game systems better this time around and it's even given me the confidence to try the first game again.
I'm at the gym and it's very healing to be around people who don't know what a github is
Maybe the Crowdstrike thing happened because everyone's really fucking tired
Every paranormal documentary on Netflix is like "was it a case of demonic possession or was it the hallucinogenic drugs that Charolette had been slipping to her children every night for the passed seven years? You be the judge."
My friend sent me a self-care app and I am feeling called out
Me booting up No Man's Sky, trying to remember what I was doing the last time I played
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“Unless we start planting differently, unless we start changing the way we work & think about making games, then we're going to continue to see the highest highs & the lowest lows that games has ever seen. And it might, in fact, just get worse.” By Megan Farokhmanesh
‘Death Occurs in the Dark’: Indie Video Game Devs Are Struggling to Big video game makers like Epic Games and EA have gone through substantial layoffs in the past year. Amid the turmoil, many indie studios are getting shut down completely, threatening a dearth of new ...
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I should be doing literally anything that's remotely professional as I no longer have a job but what I'm actually doing is playing Darkest Dungeon 2 and drinking mudshakes
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Hey, if I can ask for a GIANT favor. My beautiful co-host Paul and I have a podcast where were passionately discuss comics and it'd the mean the WORLD if you share this so more people can find us <3
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By the way, if you need concepts/art for your game, hit me up! I’d love to work on a game again. I know the state of the industry is.. not great. But just shooting my shot and all that. I also love working on indies! 🧡
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Some fancy ponies in my shop today, all decked out for spring - if you are looking for some original art to brighten your space, then check them out!
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I think I'll make one more Krampus before moving on to a different monster. If anyone else is interested in commissioning one, let me know.
Would anybody want to buy one of my Krampus plushies if I made more? They're designed and hand sewed by me.
How many root beer vodkas do I have to drink until I don't have anxiety anymore