
Happy Friday morning, Bluesky ☕️ I have taken some more steps toward organizing a 24 Consumer strike in protest of SCOTUS. Please reply yes, aye or whatever your choice of support in the comments, so I can see if this will be viable. Thank you in advance
The idea is whoever can, one day strike from work, but more importantly, no one spends a single penny for 24 hours
Lynn I can't strike from work as I am the only one doing customer service and would come back to a mess. I work from home and they have been very good to me over the last 13 years. I can though not spend a dime for 24 hours. I am with you on what you need. But I need to pay the bills and eat.
How does this get momentum?
This is me gauging interest at the moment. When I had a large Twitter account, I would just retweet until I got the interest that I wanted. That doesn't fly here, so everyone who wants it to gain momentum should post about it. I'm only in charge insofar as I brought it up
As someone who left a 5000 + account myself. My methodology here isn’t actually any different here on BS than it was there. I follow people and follow people back who have the same interests, opinions and friends as I do. Anyone who has + 3000 here if you look you’re likely to see a great many
blues ( I call em)zero posters and Chinese followers which would certainly make sense if you’re Chinese ( who don’t coincidentally spend a great deal of time on #American SM). 🤔 which certainly should raise a flag 🚩that’s simply my .02. 🤝👋💪💪💪💪💪