
President Biden, who at 81 is the oldest person ever to hold the office, has displayed signs of accelerated aging in recent months, said numerous aides, foreign officials, members of Congress and others who interacted with Biden over the last 3½ years.
Biden’s aging is seen as accelerating, lapses described as more Aides, foreign leaders, donors and members of Congress say Biden has seemed slower and more often loses his train of thought in recent months, though close aides insist he remains mentally sharp
From an observer capacity (I won't say impartial, I can't stand Trump). I am surprised by the comments here. Simple fact is, he is a decent guy, but he is old. It is unrealistic to think he can beat Trump now. That ship has sailed. So, this needs to be discussed, it has global ramifications.
It HAS been discussed, ad nauseum. And to the exclusion of the horrors of Trump. The reason I'm not freaking the F out is that Harris is his back-up.
Considering it hasn't been resolved, expect discussion to continue. I don't think the horrors of Trump are being ignored. They just underscore the importance of having someone who can beat him. And Biden cannot.
He actually can if the discussion would end and instead focus on beating Trump. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy if I ever saw one.
Not with those polls he can't. It looks dead in the water.
First, polls are notoriously unreliable. Second, it's early days. Third, if Kamala gets out there more as 2nd in line, people who are capable of thinking beyond the next 5 minutes will realize it's an easy choice.
He has a lot of work to do to get back to where he was, and that was a losing position already. His approval rating was already far below where it needed to be, his biggest issue was, and will now remain, his age. Polls are the only doctor you have. And the data is not good news