Evilbunny Pottymouth - Help us flush the Orange Turd in November

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Evilbunny Pottymouth - Help us flush the Orange Turd in November


I fight to defend our American Democracy, I’m pro-vaxx, and I Stand With Ukraine.
Married, with cat & outdoor squirrels, raccoons, fox, owls, coyote etc.

I also share selected posts to: Mastodon, Tribel, Spoutible & CounterSocial.
from Glasnost Gone Putin's scared. Like a small frightened child, he's doing everything he can to cut off access to the internet - access to the truth about his disastrous invasion of #Ukraine.
David Leavitt 🎲🎮🧙‍♂️🌈 Elon Musk just suggested executing half the country. 🚨 Keep this in mind if your are thinking of buying a Tesla. #DeportElonMusk - EB
from Seth Abramson BREAKING NEWS: One of Donald Trump's Biggest Fans and Allies, Banned Steroid-Using Boxer Ryan Garcia, Says the Quiet Part of Trumpism Out Loud: We're the New KKK, We're Anti-Black, and We Intend to Subjugate Black Americans...(more)
from Sue Stone "Why should you care about Christian nationalism? Are you Mormon, Jewish, atheist, Catholic, Hindu, Muslim? In the proposed America Christian nationalists laid out for me, anyone who doesn’t share their strict Protestant worldview ...(more) Article: www.rawstory.com/moscow-idaho...
from Sue Stone "Are you a woman? Do you like having the right to vote? Nearly every Christian nationalist I spoke to wants to disenfranchise nearly all women. If you’re in the LGBTQ+ community, you’d have to go underground or risk prosecution... (more) Article www.rawstory.com/moscow-idaho...
Project 2025 architect signals bloodshed Kevin Roberts of the right-wing group spearheading Project 2025 threatened violence Tuesday... (more) 🚨Kevin Roberts who threatens violence is a Christo-Fascist Terrorist, I hope the FBI has him on their watch list! - EB www.rawstory.com/project-2025...
Project 2025 architect signals bloodshedwww.rawstory.com The president of the right-wing group spearheading Project 2025 raised the specter of violence Tuesday against those who refuse to capitulate to what he characterized as "the second American Revolutio...
from TheRealThelmaJohnson As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
CNN’s Sanjay Gupta Calls on Biden to Undergo Detailed Cognitive and Neurological Testing 🚨Why isn't Dr. Gupta also calling for Trump to undergo Detailed Cognitive Testing? A pro-Trump bias? - EB Gupta described Biden’s appearance at the debate as "concerning." www.mediaite.com/news/cnns-sa...
CNN’s Sanjay Gupta Calls on Biden to Undergo Detailed Cognitive and Neurological Testingwww.mediaite.com Gupta described Biden’s appearance at the debate as "concerning."
from Annie @AnnieForTruth The 176 pages of Jeffrey Epstein’s Grand Jury testimony were released a few days ago implicating Donald Trump and his encounters with young girls. Since then, we hear nothing from the MAGA! 🤔🙄😂 ...why isn't the MSM reporting this?
from Marlene Robertson Hey Republicans, is this degenerate turd your #1 for president? A pedophile who walks in on nude 14 year olds because “I sort of get away with things like that.”
Great Moments in Cadet Bone Spur's Military History: Cadet Bone Spurs prepares for a "rape visit" to Epstein's Pedo Island.
from ᗰᗩƳᖇᗩ ℙ𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕪 Why isn't MSM reporting this?
My latest. Project 2025 advances an extreme MAGA agenda that is fiercely isolationist, xenophobic and disdainful of democratic norms. It demonizes intellectuals, dismisses experts and idolizes charismatic strongmen. www.democracydocket.com/opinion/how-...
How the Supreme Court Bolstered Project 2025www.democracydocket.com From Marc | The Supreme Court has recently become a witting or unwitting facilitator of Project 2025’s dystopian agenda for the future.
"Putin says he supports Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine.."
from Michael McKean My friend just referred to the three Trump-appointed SCOTUS justices as a “sleeper cell”, and by God that’s on the money.
from Kate from Kharkiv After the restrictions on using Western weapons across the border were slightly eased, it took Ukraine just one day to halt Russian S-300 missile attacks on Kharkiv—a single day after more than two years of terror. A single day ended the daily murder of our people. (more)