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Your local gay stoner | 22 | He/Them/Its
18+ only. Minors will be blocked.
I feel oddly isolated from the world and my friends as of late since I left Twitter. I don't know what's going on as of late, I left my friends and mutuals behind on Twitter. Sometimes, it just feels like the world is slowly forgetting my existence and leaving me behind. Oh well, it can't be helped.
One thing I should do is go through my follower list on Twitter and find everyone's Bluesky, mostly so things feel less barren here.
I kind of realized most people made a Bluesky, yet the majority stick to their Twitter accounts. This place really is treated as if it's merely a place to migrate to when Twitter completely burns down, or at least, that's what it feels like sometimes.
Reposted byAvatar Aegis
Business is a mindset, and nothing gets you into the mindset better than a nice relaxing cigar! Featuring’s Business Weasel Art
Reposted byAvatar Aegis
His first mistake was thinking a fatter Incineroar would be easier to catch. His second mistake was not bringing any of his team with him... Comm for Gurbadou (on twitter/FA)
Reposted byAvatar Aegis
my final sketch to twitter. see you later, blue bird.
i think i might start talking on here more often since i'm starting to reach my limit with twitter. it feels like people have become far more hateful and cynical on there, and the platform breeds such behavior with its algorithm.
i should start talking to more mutuals some day. i want to get to know people better, but i'm way too socially awkward. such is life, i suppose!
this popped into my head and i used it as an excuse to mess with the text tool. i often think that konin would be envious of his younger self and vice versa. they would deny that they are.
Reposted byAvatar Aegis
Can't really handle the heat, but he'll make it through the month while he's still in this time. the first of many summer doodles. (i just wanted to revisit this older version of my cat sona)
Can't really handle the heat, but he'll make it through the month while he's still in this time. the first of many summer doodles. (i just wanted to revisit this older version of my cat sona)
Final day of pride, so here's a little pride thing I did. Apologies for the gradient, I had very little time and had to cut it short.
hi i have a very bad habit of not posting here. here's a sketch of my cait sith form.
discord banner i made quickly for those who look at bios (mine is always empty)
soooo, how's everyone doing over here while more people migrate from twitter?
Reposted byAvatar Aegis
You find a lamp while venturing into the dungeons in search of missing adventurers. Was practicing some new brushes and did more of these guys. 🧊🎨
Sexually Suggestive
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two little sketches i made in response to someone on the other social media.
Reposted byAvatar Aegis
I've been reading Dorohedoro for the past few days and finished it tonight. As celebration for finishing it, I drew my current and old demon (devil?) sonas, Sorzun and Siruth, in a slightly different style.
I've been reading Dorohedoro for the past few days and finished it tonight. As celebration for finishing it, I drew my current and old demon (devil?) sonas, Sorzun and Siruth, in a slightly different style.
Reposted byAvatar Aegis
Commissioned piece for!
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I think I'm better off here than the other social media. It's a lot less draining to my mental health.
This idea has been haunting me for a while, so here's Aegis in a maid outfit. Also, bonus sketch for Bluesky. (I choose not to share the MV I referenced for these.)
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