Mathieu Duchâtel

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Mathieu Duchâtel

Following mostly economic security issues in East Asia and Europe, from Taipei and Paris. An eye for all things maritime. Director of International Studies at Institut Montaigne.
[Scénarios] La politique taiwanaise de la Chine à l’horizon 2028 Ma nouvelle publication examine le mode opératoire et les conséquences possibles de deux scénarios d'intensification de la politique de coercition chinoise vis-à-vis de Taiwan.
La politique taiwanaise de la Chine à l’horizon 2024, année électorale à Taiwan et aux États-Unis, marque le début d’un nouveau cycle de quatre ans pour le détroit de Taiwan.
🎙️In the new episode of the Voice for CHOICE podcast, we sat down with to discuss the effect of the US restrictions on the export of advanced semiconductors and manufacturing equipment to China, TSMC's fab investment in Dresden and the Chips Act.
Voice for CHOICE #32: China and the EU in the Global Semiconductor Race with Mathieu Duchâtel – In recent years, the US imposed a set of restrictions on exports of advanced semiconductors and chipmaking equipment to China. While China’s nanoelectronics sec
How India cultivates its partnership with Taiwan to build a semiconductor industrial base, including with super upbeat statements. "That’s why we need Taiwan. You have already done it for China. You did it in 10 years, you must go to India and do it in three years”.
Supply Chain Summit: India rolls out red carpet for Taiwan to accelerate semiconductor India is aggressively recruiting Taiwanese partners for its semiconductor dream. Not only aiming to produce mature-node semiconductors for its 1.4 billion population market, it also sends out a clear ...
Japan PM Kishida said he hopes to revitalize economic exchanges “once an environment where legitimate business activity is safeguarded has been ensured”. And one thing one hears more and more: “the most important thing is to convey our thinking to the top leader”
Japan and China put economy first at summit but tensions Kishida and Xi agree on resuming dialogue while security, Fukushima left unresolved
Xi Jinping à San Francisco, un sommet pour contrôler les risques de la compétition sino-americaine et tenter de convaincre les milieux d’affaires que l’environnement d’investissement en Chine n’est pas devenu trop risqué.
Joe Biden et Xi Jinping: rencontre au Le président américain Joe Biden et son homologue chinois Xi Jinping se rencontreront, le 15 novembre à San Francisco. Cette rencontre signifie qu’ils y trouvent l’un et l’autre leur intérê...
Same feeling. And yet events in Israel show that when world events of that magnitude unfold a well customized Twitter account is still the best way to gather open source information.
I think this was the wake up call for a lot of people on Twitter. They're now realizing with the flood of old, fake, and edited videos being spread around by low quality paid blue checks trying to make money, there is no possible way to keep track of world events without going outside the platform.
In the security state that Chinese leader Xi Jinping is building, economic security matters. But in the “securitization of everything” that is emblematic of his governing style, how crucial is it exactly?
Sailing the Seas of Economic Unlike in Europe or the U.S., there is little debate in China about the importance of “economic security” and the political tools necessary to achieve it.
In our new issue of China Trends, "Sailing the Seas of Economic Security", we delve into Chinese views and debates regarding China's own economic security agenda and how the EU's embrace of the notion is assessed to affect 🇪🇺🇨🇳 relations.
China Trends #17 - Sailing the Seas of Economic Piling economic security agendas often don't mention, but do target, China. In this context, how does China approach its economic security? This edition of China Trends tries to answer with insights f...
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