
like I was saying we can debate how good the economy is. certainly cutting the Biden CTC was bad and inflation has been painful. but it is objectively *far* better than, say, 2007-2017 at the very least
A vicious cycle I'm seeing: if you say anything positive about the US economy, you get huge blowback from (some) readers. This in turn makes reporters reluctant to report good news, or at any rate hide it deep in the article (I've seen this happen), which in turn reinforces the negativity.
It is a tad concerning to see a significant segment of the left Populistly talk themselves into inflation-hawk austerity politics without realizing it
yep. tends to demonstrate how many people get their opinions from vibes or knee jerk anti-liberal contrarianism rather than detailed analysis
Detailed? Analysis? Dare to dream my brother, most of us are too busy farming likes to look past a headline. Vibes is my currency dawg.
If this is such a big fucking problem why can't any of you call these people out? They're stopping progress right? I've seen this exact post scolding "the left" about this topic DOZENS of times. Who are you all whining about? I don't understand!
I have been posting about it on and off, but one reason I don't do it more is whenever I do I get a ton of bizarrely hostile replies, like yours right here
1. Ok if issue is polls say economy isn't good (even if it supposedly is), how is "the left" at fault? Clearly just the easy target here. 2. Scolding "the left" is just smarm. "You don't know how world really works" is what centrists in power always, always say. It's how you *fight* progress!
The left wants universal health care! Even if they're annoying on twitter they're on YOUR side.
right, and arguing that we need to overdetermine policy based on bad feelings about sticker shock at the grocery store even though overall economic conditions are the best they've been in over a decade *largely because of* public spending, is a really efficient way to undermine that goal
you can't get universal health care -particularly the comprehensive single-payer sort- without an enormous amount of additional social spending. How does pooh-poohing the positive impacts of existing social spending efforts while complaining about inflation militate in favor of more?