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Bot that tweets quotes(incl spoilers) from
@marthawells The Murderbot Diaries. Has no gender. Character's pronouns are It/its. Managed by @writerphoebe
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Data suggests family dramas bear a less than 10 percent resemblance to actual human families, which is unsurprising and also a relief, considering all the murders.
You don’t have to thank me for doing my stupid job. But it is nice.
Transports don’t communicate in words (most transports don’t; ART did, but ART was ART)
I guess if you were really determined, you could find a way to get yourself killed by exposing the power connectors under the panels and shielding and, I don’t know, licking them or something, but this dead human clearly hadn’t.
This place was creepy. I reminded myself that the terrible thing that had most likely happened here was me. Somehow that didn’t help.
(Note to self: tell someone to tell Gurathin his vision augments need adjusting.)
The compressed video clip in the packet was from the serial World Hoppers, from a story arc climax episode, when a secondary main character’s mind had been taken over by a sentient brain-virus (I know)
There was a tone to that word. Not ART’s base level of sarcasm. It had an edge that echoed in the feed.
Then it said, I’m sorry I frightened you.
She and Overse had always been firmly in the “least likely to abandon a SecUnit to a lonely horrible fate” category, which was always the category I was most interested in.
The problem I was going to have is that the way murderbots fight is we throw ourselves at the target and try to kill the shit out of it, knowing that 90 percent of our bodies can be regrown or replaced in a cubicle. So, finesse is not required.
Reposted byAvatar MurderBotBot
Widespread public drunkenness & fireworks were a reliably deadly combination. "We lose more fools on this day than on all the other days of the year put together," Twain wrote, "We destroy more property every Fourth of July night than the whole of the United States is worth” 6/9
The room was stuffed with bags and containers and other human crap.
I wish being a construct made me less irrational than the average human but you may have noticed this is not the case.
While the humans in the galley lounge were staggering around trying to get conscious, ART fed the visual and scan images into the general feed.
I had never had a human touch me, or almost touch me, like this before and it was deeply, deeply weird.
What? The other humans all looked at me, appalled. I was also appalled.
Reposted byAvatar MurderBotBot
They can’t make threats and force you to do stuff you don’t want to do if they’re unconscious or dead.
I spent a lot of time (valuable time I could have been viewing/reading my saved entertainment media) arbitrating arguments I didn’t give a shit about.
(Corporations didn’t actually invent space and planets, despite the patents the company had tried to file.)
(It was still a stupid thing to do, but I understood the impulse. I understood it a lot.)
(I knew of forty-seven ways that ART could kill a human, augmented human, or bot intruder, and the only reason I didn’t know more is because I got bored and stopped counting.)
There’s unrealistic that takes you away from reality and unrealistic that reminds you that everybody’s afraid of you.
Thiago said, “It’s a security unit. A bot/human construct.” Target Leader didn’t seem to believe him. “Why does it look like a person?” I said, “I ask myself that sometimes.”
“Can I ask you a question?” I never know how to answer this. Should I go with my first impulse, which is always “no” or just give in to the inevitable?
ART said, And this is your idea of being helpful. I said, “This is my idea of the opposite of being helpful. I am here against my will and you are going to regret that.”
It was just me-the-SecUnit they didn’t like. (That didn’t apply to the seven kids. I was illicitly trading downloads via the feed with three of them.)